DR and magic weapons

Rules Questions

Reading the DR rules, it looks as if a +1 magic weapon
Overcomes DR is that true?
If that’s the case DR is really obsolete.

Any information or added details would be great.

It overcomes DR/Magic only.

It overcomes Dr magic and nothing else. +3 also lets you get by cold iron and silver, +4 for adamantine, and +5 for alignment. Dr slashing/bludgeoning/piercing/- and probably some others I'm forgetting still apply regardless of +s if the condition isn't met or they lack an ability to nullify Dr in general like a paladin's smite.

Caius wrote:
It overcomes Dr magic and nothing else. +3 also lets you get by cold iron and silver, +4 for adamantine, and +5 for alignment. Dr slashing/bludgeoning/piercing/- and probably some others I'm forgetting still apply regardless of +s if the condition isn't met or they lack an ability to nullify Dr in general like a paladin's smite.

This is completely correct and one of those rules I never cared for. I disdain the idea a magic weapon overcomes DR for anything but Magic (and Epic). So we house rule, for example, if you have DR/Silver, the weapon has to be silver or made effectively silver (Versatile Weapon) to overcome the DR, +3 weapon or not. Of course I give a little bonus on EXP for fighting critters with these kinds of DR, but overall I never cared for the "enchantment equals" rules.


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