[PFS] Heading into Eyes of Ten and beyond soon... advice for a paladin?


Silver Crusade

Hey everyone,

I'm having a bit of trouble finishing the character I'll be playing in a series of adventures soon (Eyes of Ten and the rest of the original PFS retirement arc, possibly beyond into the all for immortality arc and other loose adventures for seeker tier).

The basic stats of the character as is are: human melee 10 paladin/1 bloodrager, ac 26, hp 102, unbuffed saves: fort +25, ref +16, will +20, umd +25. He has high melee damage and blind fight and vision mastery to account for invisble things and concealment. Winged boots and a scroll of fly for reasonably reliable flight. High UMD and a host of scrolls and wands for utility.

The party for the next 4 adventures is: Melee Rogue (unchained, no archetype I believe), Cleric (variant channeling: diseases), Arcanist (vanilla?), and me. So basically both schools of magic are covered and the rogue has us covered on the dex skills.

I'm unsure what I should be focussing on for further preparations, mostly on how to level up from here. The level 11 paladin vengeance feature seems weak considering party makeup and I'm considering taking a dip into something to cover a remaining weakness, such as oracle to get cha to ref instead of dex (gaining me an effective additional +6 to ref), some more willsave and an extra +4 UMD. Or taking sacred servant as an additional archetype which would train away the rarely if ever used weapon bond (Usually I am much too busy killing things to have a standard action to burn on the weapon buff, and when I do divine favor is usually stronger) and gain a domain at effective cleric level 8. But If I do that, I'm not sure which domain would be good specifically for a paladin and this party. My wisdom would be 10 for this, if relevant.

Or is there some other dip I should be looking at instead?

Can anyone give any advice on what would be the best course of action?

so if you have a positive dex DON'T get the oracle revelation, as that would give you only charisma instead of charisma + dex and will likely LOWER your reflex a little.

Grand Lodge

I say another level of Bloodrager for Uncanny Dodge.

Silver Crusade

Chess Pwn wrote:
so if you have a positive dex DON'T get the oracle revelation, as that would give you only charisma instead of charisma + dex and will likely LOWER your reflex a little.

Why would that be? I was under the impression that since you use the stat instead of dex, it wouldn't be a case of a bonus stat to x stacking twice. However if that is the case then oracle would no lober be an option, so that would make it a bit easier.

Grand Lodge

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This is why.

FAQ wrote:

Do ability modifiers from the same ability stack? For instance, can you add the same ability bonus on the same roll twice using two different effects that each add that same ability modifier?

No. An ability bonus, such as "Strength bonus", is considered to be the same source for the purpose of bonuses from the same source not stacking. However, you can still add, for instance “a deflection bonus equal to your Charisma modifier” and your Charisma modifier. For this purpose, however, the paladin's untyped "bonus equal to her Charisma bonus (if any) on all saving throws" from divine grace is considered to be the same as "Charisma bonus (if any)", and the same would be true for any other untyped "bonus equal to her [ability score] bonus" constructions.

Using Cha instead of Dex means you are now adding Cha twice, which does not stack per the FAQ, as neither bonus is called out as a different type of bonus.

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