Sylvan Trickster and Divine Scourge level as witch level

Rules Questions

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I just bought Ultimate Wilderness and I've found that there is no mention saying that the Sylvan Trickster (p.77) can consider his level as witch level for their hexes which means that the DC and the duration of the majority of the hexes do not scale at all.
I also saw that the Divine Scourge achetype for the cleric has the same flaw, but the divine scourge has a more limited selection of hex which force them to pick hex that would be very weak without considering their level as witch level for their hexes. It makes me think it might just be an oversight...

Do you think it's resonnable to allow the Sylvan Trickster to consider his level as witch level for his hexes?

i would play it like that in a home game

Is the sylvan trickster stackable with eldritch scoundrel archetype? Sorry for the digression but I must know

Nope. Both alter rogue talents.

Zolanoteph wrote:
Is the sylvan trickster stackable with eldritch scoundrel archetype? Sorry for the digression but I must know

No. They both alter class skills, rogue talents, uncanny dodge, and improved uncanny dodge.

SorrySleeping wrote:
Zolanoteph wrote:
Is the sylvan trickster stackable with eldritch scoundrel archetype? Sorry for the digression but I must know
No. They both alter class skills, rogue talents, uncanny dodge, and improved uncanny dodge.

Thanks for ruining this boy's day.

I mean, it isn't unreasonable to be able to combine them.

They don't touch the same class skills, so you are fine there. Scoundrel takes away Improved/Uncanny Dodge and lets you take it later as a rogue talent, so just trade those out for what Sylvan gives you then take them away.

The only "problem" with Rogue Talents is that you get Witch Hexes, Ninja, and Rogue talents (at half progression).

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