
Website Feedback

Is it just me, or has the traffic on the messageboards gone down sharply?

Sovereign Court

Maybe its a number of things like website issues and politics?

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Think its more the recent web issues, alongside the time of year.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I'd notice a drop in Paizo messageboard activity and an uptick of Pathfinder discussions on Facebook. I guess the trend of shifting discussion to social media has caught up with pen and paper gaming.

Dark Archive

Dosent help the website went through a fairly unstable patch (and may still be doing so for some people.)

Also remember that D&D is booming again. A lot of people may have simply migrated to the comparatively-simpler 5e and moved on from the Paizo forum.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

And a lot of people may have migrated in with Starfinder.

Silver Crusade System Administrator

5 people marked this as a favorite.

If it makes you feel better, we're seeing a similar post frequency and traffic on our end. We also had a humble bundle that brought a few people in and might have had an uptick. Might be that conversations are a little more spread out with Starfinder be added. Could be a lot of different reasons it feels different but cursory glances show posts about once a minute-ish with PBP coming in around 2 to 3 per minute.

Thank you for a bit of insight.

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Lissa Guillet wrote:
Cursory glances show posts about once a minute-ish with PBP coming in around 2 to 3 per minute.

Go, PBP!

Yay, team!


Amazon estimates a modest increase in traffic to Paizo.com since the beginning of 2017. They don't show earlier data, since you have to pay to see long-term trends in web traffic.

Note, though, that that includes all traffic to Paizo.com, including the store and the PRD. It's entirely possible that more people are visiting the PRD and fewer are visiting the forum. Or that more people are visiting the forum, but simply aren't posting.

Also keep in mind that the total traffic to Paizo.com is still really low: it is only the 11201st most popular domain globablly, and the 3079th most popular in the U.S. That's well behind MySpace, which is the 3808th most popular website worldwide and the 1805th most popular in the U.S. Or WotC's website wizards.com (ranked 2065 in the world, 666 in the U.S.).

Google Trends also shows a noticable increase in searches related to both Pathfinder and D&D during 2017.

137ben wrote:
Or WotC's website wizards.com (ranked ... 666 ).

Cue sinister music! ;)

The one for you and me...

137ben wrote:

Amazon estimates a modest increase in traffic to Paizo.com since the beginning of 2017. They don't show earlier data, since you have to pay to see long-term trends in web traffic.

Note, though, that that includes all traffic to Paizo.com, including the store and the PRD. It's entirely possible that more people are visiting the PRD and fewer are visiting the forum. Or that more people are visiting the forum, but simply aren't posting.

Also keep in mind that the total traffic to Paizo.com is still really low: it is only the 11201st most popular domain globablly, and the 3079th most popular in the U.S. That's well behind MySpace, which is the 3808th most popular website worldwide and the 1805th most popular in the U.S. Or WotC's website wizards.com (ranked 2065 in the world, 666 in the U.S.).

Google Trends also shows a noticable increase in searches related to both Pathfinder and D&D during 2017.

I'm gonna guess google or facebook has the highest traffic

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I'm pretty sure that a large chunk of wizards.com traffic comes from that funny card game they're making.

Tis the season for vacations.

Gorbacz wrote:
I'm pretty sure that a large chunk of wizards.com traffic comes from that funny card game they're making.

Quite sure. That has got to be the number one most popular nerdy hobby out there.

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