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If you could please.
I'm looking at these two classes for the whip benefits, but the Cleric part of the Gestalt is the only one that is set in stone. If Brawler or something else would work better I'd love to hear about it.
The current ability scores I'm looking at are STR 8, DEX 17, CON 14, INT 10, WIS 16, CHA 14. Race is Human or Half Elf.
This is a 25 point buy. I don't tend to dump stats so if I could afford to get STR out of the negatives I'd like to.
I figure I don't have to be the greatest Swashbuckler ever because I'm also a full divine caster. I also figure I can sacrifice a little WIS if I stay away from spells that have saves.
1st level feats would be Weapon Focus: Whip with the other undecided right now.
Edit: or would I be better off using warpriest and bard?

avr |

If you're into self-buffing then warpriest is good. It also gives you plenty of feats. As a warpriest you could get away with a 14 Wis - they don't really cast offensive spells at all. At least one level of swashbuckler on the other side for the parry ability will definitely help; you might follow it up with arcane duelist bard, or with phantom blade spiritualist perhaps.
Sticking with cleric of Calistria instead though you might want a bladebound magus on the other side, with no swashbuckler dip. You can pick up broad study at level 6 to cast cleric spells via spell combat; spending whole rounds buffing is a pain. Swap Int & Cha if going this way.
How much detail would you like on these options?

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As an alternative, you could do Paladin (Virtuous Bravo) / Cleric. This would give you all the swashbuckler goodness while still being a full caster and maintaining flavor. You would drop the whip for either a rapier (fenching grace) or slashing weapon (slashing grace). Honestly I think this PC would demolish.

RumpinRufus |

Warpriest is an excellent choice for whip builds. Maybe Warpriest/Daring Champion? Magus/cleric could work as well but you're not full BAB.
Is there an unMonk option with no alignment restrictions? I was trying to get a brawler/cleric to work but Crusdader's Flurry doesn't work with Brawler's Flurry unfortunately.

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Thanks for the replies! I guess I should have been more specific when I posted before, I was deadly tired at the time.
A better way of putting it would be divine caster of Callistria is set in stone. Originally I wanted to combine an ecclesitheurge cleric with a class that would be work well in combat given the ecclesitheurge's vow to not wear armor.
The obvious choice would be monk, but the only non-lawful archetype for monk is the martial artist for the chained monk as far as I know. That won't work with the deity.
The other possibility I know of is kensai magus, but having to cast off of both INT and WIS gets tough. It also doesn't really work well with the overall character concept, which should have some investment in charisma.
So after thinking about it more today, I'm beginning to like the idea of giving up on cleric in favor of warpriest and going with bard, possibly lotus geisha or archaeologist. Lotus geisha fits the fluff better, but archaeologist would allow nearly full BAB using luck.
OR, I could give up on having a combat role and go ecclesitheurge cleric and lotus geisha and build what I think should be a very solid enchantment / buffing / face character that also heals very well.
I'm not too worried about getting precise builds (unless someone has a fantastic one to share, mostly I'm looking for class synergies and particular tricks that I, as a first time gestalt builder, don't know about.

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If you could go with an aasimar monk then true neutral is possible via the enlightened warrior trait, which is (barely) compatible with a cleric of Calistria. I suppose a human with racial heritage could do the same.
Brilliant! This could work! Aasimar is an allowed race, but I have have to roll for a heritage and hope it comes up Agathion. Or that the DM would let me use the trait on another type. But this means there's hope for that fighting ecclesitheurge yet.

RumpinRufus |
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Ok, I know you said you're not looking for exact builds, but I wanted to try putting one together.
- tons of damage (Precise Strike, Challenge, Slashing Grace, Sacred Weapon, Weapon Specialization, warpriest buffs)
- full BAB plus warpriest buffs
- Improved Whip Mastery at level 5 to threaten at reach
- Whirlwind Attack at level 6 to attack everything in your 15 foot reach (or more if enlarged or buffed)
Human Warpriest of Calistria gestalt Daring Champion Cavalier
1) Champion's Finesse, Weapon Focus (whip), Slashing Grace, Dodge
3) Whip Mastery, Mobility
5) Improved Whip Mastery
6) Whirlwind Attack [human FCB], Spring Attack, Combat Expertise
7) Combat Reflexes
9) Weapon Specialization (whip), Piranha Strike
Alternatively, if you don't care about Whirlwind Attack, that opens up five feat slots to do with as you wish.