Raven Teen Titan build help


So I’m to be playing in a Wrath of the righteous campaign soon and we’ve opted to have every one make a super hero Marvel/DC and I have decided to do Raven and I’ve Narrowed it down to an Aether Kenticist but missing one of the biggest parts for the character her “soul self” or ability of teleportation, mind effecting magic and planer travel any help for obtaining these abilities would’ve great even later level is ok

Teen Titan is one more thing I know nothing about, but for the teleport/planar travel abilities I suggest playing a fetchling. The shadow ghost/shadow walker feats may help. If she needs to look like a normal human there's an alternate racial trait for that. Edit: a quick google suggests that looking like a normal human is not necessary.

What sort of mind-affecting magic?

I will check out fletching and for mind probably closest would be a lesser form of charm so maybe dominatemind or erasing/reading memories

That race may work my fried also said Tiefling might fit

If your looking for a "dark half" for your Raven I would suggest psychic with the abomination discipline. Gives a rage like power for a mind magic caster. While I'm not 100% familiar with Raven I think this may be worth checking out. Would capture mind magic perfectly. Dimensional travel should be easy for the class.

As the original Raven prays Azar for divine guidance in the comics, I'd make her a Hellspawn Tiefling Psychic with the Faith discipline (she's an empathic healer too) and the Accursed corruption.

You can get memory lapse from another fetchling alternate racial trait, replacing their disguise self. Detect thoughts can come from the spectrum sight feat. As a fetchling I can't see a useful way of getting charm or dominate without items or class levels.

A rakshasa born tiefling gets detect thoughts for free but has no way of getting charm/dominate, memory lapse, teleport or planar travel abilities without items or class levels.

These are very helpful I’ll look into psychic as well I’ve got the occult book and starting to search for the recommendations also thank you for the Fletchling idea as well I believe it is a really good fit

Honestly I see her as a Pass for Human Tiefling that is a Twilight Sage Arcanist.

She does a lot of study in books and can get some of her basic abilities via the Powers. Her spells Like Overland flight, D. Door/Teleport, Telekinesis, Shadow Spells, ext. Really help to fluff her out.

That is how I built my rendition of Raven. Was fun too.

Will look into that as well
For those that don’t know raven in a summed up way she is
Half Human Half demon
Uses a chant to focus her magic
Uses telepathy to communicate
Throws balls of black energy
Is able to shield and attack with a Raven shaped dark mass
Can fly/hover like 30ft off ground
Is able to leave her body and traverse in a ghost like form
Able to Plane travel and teleport
Has the ability to enthrall people to want to follow her
Has to Supress her emotions to control her power
Uses a stone in her forehead to chanel and control her powers
Her demon father actively tries to posses her in order to conquer earth
That’s all I can think of off the top of my head

Oh also she uses some form of telekinesis to wrap up objects either throw them or minipulate the environment

Silver Crusade

I'd say Fetchling Void/Air Kineticist (or Void/Aether for the telekinesis), to be able to do (almost) all that stuff at will.

- While not directly related to demons, "fetchlings are creatures of darkness and light intertwined", which reflects her good/evil duality.

- Chant to focus her magic --> Gather Power

- Uses telepathy to communicate --> you can mimic this with a permanent Telepatic Bond, or use the Memory Lapse spell like ability

- Throws balls of black energy --> Void blast

- Is able to shield and attack with a Raven shaped dark mass --> Void/Air defenses

- Can fly/hover like 30ft off ground --> Wings of Air Utility Wild Talent

- Is able to leave her body and traverse in a ghost like form --> Shadow Walk spell-like ability, Reverse Shift Utility Wild Talent

- Able to Plane travel and teleport --> Plane Shift spell like ability, Shadow Walker feat

- Has to Supress her emotions to control her power --> Reskin of Burn?

- Uses a stone in her forehead to chanel and control her powers --> Ioun stone?

- Her demon father actively tries to posses her in order to conquer earth --> background detail

Another option could be going Psychic, which gives you Detect Thoughts and requires you to 'control' your emotions in order to be able to cast. Other stuff can be easily mimicked by spells, albeit you won't be able to spam them all day long as you would do with a Kineticist.

Yah I was reading through my occult book just a bit ago and it’s looking like Aether focus but possible going into void as well while being a Fletchling I appreciate the help guys

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