Shaman spellcards

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

I've been looking for them for a while now.
Parram's cards are awesome, but there is no list for shaman, and cherrypicking shaman spells from all across other classes would take hours :< Can someone point me in the direction where i can get printable shaman spellcards? or a spellbook with full descriptions?

Liberty's Edge

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ZordonKeK wrote:

I've been looking for them for a while now.

Parram's cards are awesome, but there is no list for shaman, and cherrypicking shaman spells from all across other classes would take hours :< Can someone point me in the direction where i can get printable shaman spellcards? or a spellbook with full descriptions?

I had the same problem a few months ago so I made my own. They have the source printed on the back so I can make sure I'm PFS legal, and have different background images for the various spirits, I'm pretty pleased with them!

I'd happily share them if you're still looking, but I didn't check any of the images for copyright (since I was just using them myself) so I'd need to possibly swap a few out before I did that. I also used a fox image for the reverse since my Shaman has a fox spirit animal, that might not suit everyone!

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there are several sources
AoN Shaman spell list.
PRD Shaman down at the bottom.
d20 Shaman spell list.

I just use a landscape format with 6 columns. Each vertical column has the spell abbreviation in it. I highlight spells I've know&scribed(prepared caster) or can cast(spontaneous).

Egen Blackwater wrote:
... I had the same problem a few months ago so I made my own. They have the source printed on the back so I can make sure I'm PFS legal, and have different background images for the various spirits, I'm pretty pleased with them! ...

font size? Card size?

I try to use Trebuchet at 10pt or 12pt pitch for body text for easy readability and to avoid letter confusion. Leading(line to line space) tends to be a tight 110% (120%-145% is standard). Sometimes you can go 85% with lower case body text.
Where there is a lot of detailed text I'll go down to Swis721 Cn BT 8pt but that's really small.
Headers tend to get BellCent BdList BT, BellCent NamNum BT which is built for readability, usually 16 to 24pt.

poker sized cards 2.5"*3.5", bridge size 2.25"*3.5", to quarter 8.5*11 page size 3.875"*5.125"...

I tend to print front AND back and that takes a bit more accuracy & precision but doubles the info on the paper in hand.

BTW, PFS source material has to be paizo product (source book) so just using the same text doesn't make it legal but putting the source on it helps find the original text if there's a question. Most of it's covered under the Core Assumption. AKA I could make a Harrow Deck but only the Paizo product(s)(there are 2 Harrow decks) is legal for class usage.
You can use your cards as they are very handy but you still have to prove ownership of the source (two different things).

When trying to put something on a small area (like a card) I use a lot of condensation & abbreviations as descriptions tend to be verbose, I'm very comfortable with math formulas, and I have a lot of experience with the system. Sometimes I run off and research a topic to make sure I get it right. What I'm creating is a reference to the original that I can understand (as it's for personal use).

Egen Blackwater wrote:
I'd happily share them if you're still looking, but I didn't check any of the images for copyright (since I was just using them myself) so I'd need to possibly swap a few out before I did that. I also used a fox image for the reverse since my Shaman has a fox spirit animal, that might not suit everyone!

I am still looking, and your cards look absolutely gorgeous :) it'd be great If i could use them, They are strictly for personal use so i don't think copyright matters, and i'm absolutely fine with fox on reverse :D

within the US copyright covers the arrangement of material and distribution. Something created for personal use cannot be distributed, even for free.

You might want to look at the Community Use page and Registry of what projects have been done.

I'd suggest trying Perram's Spellbook 2 alpha ver 1.0 which will print 8 cards per LANDSCAPE page.
Some of the text gets bold at small pitch and some will take 2 cards.
While it doesn't list Shaman class - choose the appropriate base spell list and then the spells you want.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Azothath wrote:

within the US copyright covers the arrangement of material and distribution. Something created for personal use cannot be distributed, even for free.

You might want to look at the Community Use page and Registry of what projects have been done.

I'm working on replacing images I've used with similar ones with a permissive copyright, and adhering to Paizo's community use policy, then I'll post a link.

For long spells I've been paraphrasing to fit the essential mechanics on one side, I hope that works for you. I think I'll include a page reference as well.

Liberty's Edge

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Now I've had a bit of time over the holidays I've replaced all my images with ones that permit it, and (hopefully) abided by the terms of the community use policy, so you can now grab these spell cards here. They only go up to level 2 at the minute since my shaman is only level 3, but if he makes it to 5, or anyone asks for it, I'll throw in the later levels too.

Happy new year all, I hope this is useful to some fellow shamans out there!

Tom G wrote:

Now I've had a bit of time over the holidays I've replaced all my images with ones that permit it, and (hopefully) abided by the terms of the community use policy, so you can now grab these spell cards here. They only go up to level 2 at the minute since my shaman is only level 3, but if he makes it to 5, or anyone asks for it, I'll throw in the later levels too.

Happy new year all, I hope this is useful to some fellow shamans out there!

I just started playing a shaman and if you are down for it I would love some of these spell cards post lvl 3. Or at the very least your template would be great to have, I just printed out all level 1 and spirit magic!

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My spell card generator includes the Shaman class.

Liberty's Edge

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
fuldet wrote:

I just started playing a shaman and if you are down for it I would love some of these spell cards post lvl 3. Or at the very least your template would be great to have, I just printed out all level 1 and spirit magic!

Yay I'm glad someone got some use out of them! My Shaman in level 6 now so I have up to level 3 spells and all the spirit hexes for use with wandering hex. I'll try to upload them this weekend.

John Mechalas wrote:

My spell card generator includes the Shaman class.

Thanks, if I'd known about your website before I started it would have saved me a lot of time :). I've used your maps, calendar and name generator a great deal in my home campaign, thanks for all your hard work!

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John Mechalas wrote:
My spell card generator includes the Shaman class.

I am unable to find the words for the epicness of this website! John, just wow. Well done.

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Thanks, TomG and Soulgear. Nearly all of the tools on there grew out of specific needs in our tabletop game. I am always happy when others find them useful, too.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I updated to include up to level 3 and the spirit abilities and hexes for those interested. You can find them here

Tom G wrote:
I updated to include up to level 3 and the spirit abilities and hexes for those interested. You can find them here

Hi Tom,

thanks for the Cards, they look really nice.
You dont have the generell Hexes as Cards. Are you planning on adding them?
If not would you be so kind and tell me how you created your Cards?

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