Oracle Clouded Sight Scenarios


Pathfinder PF Special Edition Subscriber

I'm playing an oracle in my friend's campaign, and have the Clouded Sight curse. As a pre-level 5 character, I can only see 30 feet, and have darkvision (only from the curse, not from my race).

When one of my friends who's also playing found out about my character's curse, he brought up the question: "What happens when you look through a telescope?"

My DM has also hinted that he's going to have scenarios where any and all magic, from healing magic to curses are suppressed. Thoughts on how a character who's always had darkvision and never seen beyond 30 feet (and so never seen the stars or sun) would react to the sudden distance and darkness? I'd think probably a bit of wonder during the day when it first happens, followed by terror when night sets in.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Thoughts on how a character who's always had darkvision and never seen beyond 30 feet

Who says he's never seen beyond 30'? Has he been an Oracle, and thus cursed, since birth? Or did it happen more recently, like in puberty, or adolescence? You could even play it the other way, and decide the character was actually born blind, and his/her Oracle 'Curse' is actually the divine touch fixing the problem.

As to the telescope thing...interesting question. I guess if you point the telescope at something within 30', you see it fine, but otherwise, it's all cloudy. After all, it's a magical curse, not a physical condition.

I'm not sure if I agree with YogoZuno, physically speaking, looking through a telescope is the same as looking at an image reflected by mirrors, that is formed on the telescope lens (usually closer than 30').

If you can't see that image because your curse prevents you to see anything beyoung 30', what will happen if you look through a cristal ball, or cast the scrying spell to see someone beyond 30' of you? (all magical stuff)

I believe that using physical or magical means to suppress curse effects (with GM approval) is not a problem, since your curse is always active, and your equipment may be lost, broken, and so on (and spells ends).

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