Full Rebuild - Lorewarden

Pathfinder Society

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *

So I have a level 11 Lorewarden that I am going to be rebuilding.

While I understand most of the rebuilding rules I have one thing that I have not been able to find anything about.

My character was a Scarab Sage character. And he was Risen.
So can I now on the "new" character take another faction?

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

Yep. Just as though you'd been playing at Level 1 as Scarab Sages and switched to something else at Level 2.

If you do, though, you'd lose any Faction specific rewards you acquired with Scarab Sages, and you wouldn't regain spent Prestige.

So your title of "The Risen", and your saying throw bonuses, would go away.


So, how would the faction "retcon" work for past reported events? Can I simply tell the GM I switched as part of the rebuild? Is there a form to fill out?

On a lore warden rebuild side note. How would the inventory tracking sheet work? If I am essentially allowed to repurchase everything (less consumables), do I just start a new page one and toss the rest?

Grand Lodge 4/5

TriShadow wrote:
So, how would the faction "retcon" work for past reported events? Can I simply tell the GM I switched as part of the rebuild? Is there a form to fill out?

All rebuild changes are supposed to be documented on your ITS.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

I don't understand what you mean by "retcon". I mean I understand what the term means, but it's not applicable here.

In Starfinder, it would matter, since you accrue Prestige with different Factions as you adventure. But you don't do that in Pathfinder. You just select a new Faction at level 1 and your Fame now qualifies you for any Faction specific rewards of your new Faction.

For my Lore Warden rebuild I'm holding on to my previous Character Sheet and ITS and just storing them in the back of my folder. But I'm a record keeping nerd.

You could probably just digitally scan them if you wanted. After a GM signs off on your rebuild, you don't need to hold on to the old sheets any longer.


Well, in Pathfinder, changing faction does matter because, as I understand it, one has to spend Prestige to change from one faction to another. I do not want to be in a situation where if I decide to change my faction as part of this rebuild, that a GM later looks online and sees a different default faction and asks when I switched and how much I Prestige I spent to do so.

4/5 ****

TriShadow wrote:
Well, in Pathfinder, changing faction does matter because, as I understand it, one has to spend Prestige to change from one faction to another. I do not want to be in a situation where if I decide to change my faction as part of this rebuild, that a GM later looks online and sees a different default faction and asks when I switched and how much I Prestige I spent to do so.

That's why yuo document it on your ITS.

You can answer them 0, was part of the free lorewarden rebuild.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

TriShadow wrote:
a GM later looks online and sees a different default faction

No GM in the history of PFS has ever done that, and the vast majority can't anyways.

Besides, it's a full rebuild. You don't pay for anything.

Just curious, though: why would you change?

The Exchange 3/5

Whenever I have had to rebuild a character I just make an entirely new character name, race, faction etc included. I don't really like having them shamble on as a lesser version of themselves.

It can even let you give a character a more interesting background when they start at a higher level. It lets you explore why a person who is already a veteran with worldly experience might join the society rather than a new recruit.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

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Or go Vigilante, and your previous self can be "unmasked" ^_^

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