Sagiso |

I'm rather new to psionics but I was wondering if someone could elaborate a little bit on how the emulate melee weapon blade skill works for soul knives? Am I right in assuming that the mindblade (normally 19-20 x2) can change its modifiers to be more like the chosen weapon or have I completely misunderstood it?
And just in case I am correct, how does this work if you've picked Deadly blow, which raises a mind blade's critical multiplier by 1?

Sagiso |

Oh wow, okay.
See, the reason I was curious about this is because I've been considering picking butterfly sting on one of my fighter characters and statting up his wife as a soul knife (probably going primarch), and I was wondering how much of a kick a scythe could get if I made that her weapon of choice.
Unfortunately I'll probably never have both of them on the field at the same time, but it's fun to theorycraft a bit every once in a while.

Quintain |

Oh, don't get me wrong. Any sort of tandem effect like butterfly sting is really powerful.
Think of a dual wielding keen kukri's with butterfly sting with Seize the Moment -- passing the crit confirmation to the deadly blow scythe wielder as well as an attack of opportunity. That is ridiculous levels of melee destruction right there.

KahnyaGnorc |
Oh, don't get me wrong. Any sort of tandem effect like butterfly sting is really powerful.
Think of a dual wielding keen kukri's with butterfly sting with Seize the Moment -- passing the crit confirmation to the deadly blow scythe wielder as well as an attack of opportunity. That is ridiculous levels of melee destruction right there.
Add to that, a level dip in Stalker, to get the +1 Threat range stalker art, for a 14-20 crit range... (Of course, when someone gets that, watch the number of nat 13's they roll...)

Sagiso |

To be honest I'll probably be using a longsword and dirk (refluffing a shortsword) on him since his weapon selection is an homage to a different character, so his crit range won't be optimal.
But, you know, still good when it does happen.
(And as I said before, the likelihood of me being able to play both of them at the same time is minimal anyway).