GMs that need 2 good players go here!!!


Hello forums, sooo, me and a friend on the forums have a strong desire to play pathfinder, but cant seem to find a campaign , either were not selected, or we dont like the GM's rules changes, but i feel its like a curse, i cant speak for the other guy, but i have a difficulty finding a game.

What i'm asking for is a game of pathfinder, just plain pathfinder maybe with Dream scarred press material.

If you're a GM that needs players, post here, otherwise, at least point to a player needing GM. If unable to do neither, DO NOT POST IF UNABLE TO POST A PRODUCTIVE REPLY.

Thank you for your time.

I am said friend :)


While we all understand the pains that can be applying to games and not getting picked, this is not the way to go about finding a PbP on the forum.

A good thread to read is DH's Guide to Play-by-Post gaming but I'll quote the section I'm particularly thinking of below.

"Getting Picked
PBP recruiting on the Paizo boards is a bit of a clusterf*@@ free-for-all that leaves many people with a bitter taste in their mouth. Even after the party is picked, most do not look back on the process fondly. For those that don’t get picked, it’s easy to get frusterated.

Many forum-goers have a handful of different versions of the same character concept in their Alias list, because they didn’t get picked, or because they did and the game died, and they have this one character that they just want to play.

Don’t do that.

GMs will look at your aliases when choosing. If they see 10 different versions of Lord Sothbane the Stoic-est, they will assume you are unoriginal and pick someone else. They will also look at your posting numbers. If you have been in a dozen games, but have never gotten beyond 50 posts in any of them, they will pick someone else. It doesn’t matter if it’s not your fault that the game died. All they see is the pattern.

Instead, make a mechanical framework and basic personality idea of a character that you really want to play (or a couple if you’re so inclined), and submit them to every recruitment thread you are interested in. Tailor the character to the game as best as possible, and if you aren’t picked, take them back to basics and do it again. Don’t make a new Alias for what is essentially a slightly different version of the same concept. If a game dies and you still want to play that character, submit that same character to a new game. The previous game gets worked into the character’s back story and you get to keep playing them."

What I hope you take from this is that you are not alone in your frustrations, but being rude in a post where you are begging for a GM to adopt you out of the blue only makes things harder on yourself. My suggestion is you let this thread die out so your names aren't poking at the top of the recruitment board and continue applying for games. Or, the best option, one of you takes on the mantle of GM and opens up their own game for recruitment that follows all of the particulars that you so desire.

Hope some of this information helps.

Yeah, we decided to "take the mantle" and we are inviting you to join! Whadda ya say?

Either of you two know the wheel of time setting?

Yes. Still need to read the last book. Been on my shelf since it came out... I don't want it to finish

I don't i'm a qwick reader througth.

Well, i have a need for a couple of npc roles filled.
I have an Aiel player who needs to go to rhudiean to become a chieftan. But he is stuck in the lower levels of the White tower after it collapsed. What i need is for someone to play an aelfinn, and the other to play an eelfin, because his means of escape is a twisted door frame.

sure, what do you want from me(us)? :)

Simple. Each of you play an Aelfinn. The PC will ask his questions, and i will give you two the answers, and you can twist it till the answer looks like a pig in makeup.
Do the above, and you both can join in my regular WOT pbp game.

Sure, sounds fun

awesome. Here is the link to the campaign.

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