Starfinder-esque 3d printed minis or files?


The Exchange

Has anyone created files for 3d printing minis that would fit as Starfinder-ish minis? I am very disappointed in how Paizo and the company making the minis is handling the mini release and the huge delay with a kickstarter. $40 for 4 minis is incredibly high and still only covers iconics, then $36 for a couple ships is ridiculous.
I can't imagine that the community won't move to fill this miserable execution and create something great to cover this blunder so if anyone knows of any good sources please inform us.

The Exchange

Have you looked on thingie verse?

It's a website that hosts thousands of files for 3D printing, free of charge.

You'll be able to find space ships and minis on there. Probably not Starfinder specific ones though, due to licensing.

Liberty's Edge

There are definitely a bunch of ships on Thingiverse. Most are from Star Wars or other movies/shows.
I've been playing with them for a little while now, cutting bits off this ship and sticking them on that ship, trying to make them a little bit less obvious.

I'm happy to share links to the ones I have "created" but it'll have to wait until I can do it at home, so I can find and share the links to the originals as well.

The Exchange

Do a search for sci fi and you'll get a tonne of material to use.

Ships from Star Wars, Star Trek, firefly, the expanse, alien series and battle star galactica. In other words more than enough variety if you need it.

There's also a wide range of sci fi minis for print. Many are 15 mm but there's quite a few 28mm ones as well.

However, unless you have a top range 3D printer, you're not going to get quality miniatures from this method of acquiring game miniatures.

Liberty's Edge

Definitely true, but given that the only real options at the moment are pay a lot of money and get a few high quality minis or pay relatively very little and get as many as you want, it's not too bad.

Seriously though, why the hell aren't there more small spaceship toys out there?

The Exchange

LordRiffington wrote:

Definitely true, but given that the only real options at the moment are pay a lot of money and get a few high quality minis or pay relatively very little and get as many as you want, it's not too bad.

Seriously though, why the hell aren't there more small spaceship toys out there?

Yeah...I expected to find more out there considering how popular the genre is. Ships I temporarily covered with cardstock "pogs" that I made and based on mini bases...the people and newer races is what is killin' me. I also don't understand why there are all the new races...why not use any of the existing insectoid races of Pathfinder instead of inventing a new Shirren one that is so different that the minis don't fit. Vesk? Ysoki? Any of these could have been a cool story about how some rarely explored/encountered race in Pathfinder made a leap in evolution and became vital. I think the ball was dropped here and in not having a better mini release plan that would put the new stuff in our hand before a year is passed and at a fair price. Not a lot of good sci-fi themed insectial humanoids around or reptilian humanoids or mouslings....oh well, guess I need to flip through the 9000 3d files and hope to find one close enough.

Anyone see anything that works please post a link.

The Exchange

btw, sorry for sounding bitter. I would spend the money on whatever Paizo put out but the iconics are somewhat uninteresting to me and $10 each is a lot to swallow. I've come to expect somewhat better execution from Paizo and instead I feel let down. Sorry again.

Have you seen the Starfinder Core Rulebook Pawn set? It contains several of each of the CRB common races and several ships.

Liberty's Edge

The problem with pawns (for me at least) is that I could print those myself. Sure, they're probably nicer than the ones I'd do, but not so much nicer as to make it worth the extra expense, in my opinion.

Plus, I prefer actual minis. I'd rather use a mini that's not quite right than a pawn.

The Exchange

LordRiffington wrote:

The problem with pawns (for me at least) is that I could print those myself. Sure, they're probably nicer than the ones I'd do, but not so much nicer as to make it worth the extra expense, in my opinion.

Plus, I prefer actual minis. I'd rather use a mini that's not quite right than a pawn.

I also prefer actual minis, but still thought about making pawns...we have someone in the group with the pawns but they suffer from a severe lack of variety for PCs. If there was enough decent art out there for a variety of shirren, vesk, or ysoki I would be fine with making some pawns.

The Exchange

If I could be so bold;

I think Infinity minis are excellent. No, it won't cover all the races, etc., but if I were to look for that quick replacement, I think Infinity is the way to go.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

If you don't have access to a printer, there's also Shapeways. I ordered the Shirren technomancer model there a few weeks ago, and it came out great.

Other good sources:

Also good but noticably larger scale (32-35 mm):

The Exchange

Beautiful, Tarpeius, that is super helpful! I like the shirren on Shapeways, a tad expensive but I will probably pick it up. Thanks!

Great links there, Tarpeius. Thanks!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I have some starship miniatures for sale at They come with a 1 inch hex flight stand. There are also complete deckplans available for every ship, both as a PDF file and as a (real) 24x36 poster at miniature scale (1 inch = 5 ft) with a 1 inch grid built into the map. The resin miniatures are $9 and the deckplan posters are $20. The PDF files are for sale at RPGNow.

0-hr Web Shop
Pic of the ships

There are sample docs and a gallery of starship renders at as well.

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.
0-hr wrote:

I have some starship miniatures for sale at They come with a 1 inch hex flight stand. There are also complete deckplans available for every ship, both as a PDF file and as a (real) 24x36 poster at miniature scale (1 inch = 5 ft) with a 1 inch grid built into the map. The resin miniatures are $9 and the deckplan posters are $20. The PDF files are for sale at RPGNow.

0-hr Web Shop
Pic of the ships

There are sample docs and a gallery of starship renders at as well.

Those ships look really good. Nice range too!

Dark Archive

0-hr wrote:

I have some starship miniatures for sale at They come with a 1 inch hex flight stand. There are also complete deckplans available for every ship, both as a PDF file and as a (real) 24x36 poster at miniature scale (1 inch = 5 ft) with a 1 inch grid built into the map. The resin miniatures are $9 and the deckplan posters are $20. The PDF files are for sale at RPGNow.

0-hr Web Shop
Pic of the ships

There are sample docs and a gallery of starship renders at as well.

Very cool.

How much is shipping to germany?

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