Building an unchained eidolon


So I want to build a constrictor. Do I really need Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Grapple, and Greater Grapple? Do they do anything other than give me a bonus on the check if I already have the Grab evolution? Are there any other options I should consider?

well they let you maintain the grapple as a move action. besides, don't underestimate a +2/+4 to your check, especially when considering that once you pass level 12 the CMDs start scratching the high 40's. Get it and you won't regret it.

Yes, you do.

Greater Grapple lets you make grapple checks as a move action. This doubles your action economy in addition to the +4 CMB bonus.

Improved Grapple is also a prereq for Kraken Style, which can significantly increase damage on certain builds.

With Greater Grapple you can standard attack, at reach, with your bite/grab and maintain as a move action to pin your opponent in a single round.

Dark Archive

Boosting your CMB is crucial to making a grappler eidolon work, especially since most compatible base forms (Serpentine, Aberrant) start with 12 Strength. Also, do not be lured in by the siren song of the Agile Maneuvers feat; Once you take the Large size evolution (which is pretty much mandatory) your strength will overlap your dexterity.

Going Half Elf for the favored class bonus and/or taking the Extra Evolution feat multiple times is key. You want Large, Grab, and Constrict which all add up to 8 points, but your Eidolon only has 6 by the time you qualify for Large.

Biped Aberration eidolons have an impressive 16 base strength and they can take the Tentacle Mass attack, which qualifies them for Constrict.

Starting with 18 constitution on the Summoner means you can save a belt slot and buy a strength belt for your eidolon.

I'm human, but I do take Extra Evolution all 5 times. I have 9 points at level 8, which is enough to take all that and improved bite.

I'm kind of married to serpentine, and it's a 20 pt buy, so I'm not really interested in sinking that many points into getting an 18 con, since between that and cha I would have nothing left. I'm currently at 14, 14, 14, 10, 10, 14+2. That's not optimal I'm sure, but I prefer well balanced.

So my eidolon's feats are Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Grapple, Improved Natural Attack, Greater Grapple, Power Attack, Vital Strike, and Improved Vital Strike. Sound about right?

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