Anyone have a NPC name cheat sheet for Jade Regent?

Jade Regent

So many hard to spell and pronounce!

I was just wondering if anyone has made or found a cheat sheet type list of all the main NPC's from the Jade Regent modules?


Wakrob, are you still looking for a list?

Uqbarian wrote:
Wakrob, are you still looking for a list?

So like a year later we started up the campaign again. And yes, still looking for that list *grin*.

Wakrob wrote:
Uqbarian wrote:
Wakrob, are you still looking for a list?
So like a year later we started up the campaign again. And yes, still looking for that list *grin*.

Righto! If you want to message me your email address, I have a partial list in Word format. What particular details are you looking for besides names?

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