Cyderak |

Hey Pathfinder people,
I am running a cool third party class called an Engineer. He is basically a construct builder. The relationship between the Engineer and his automaton is similar to the Summoner/Eidolon relationship.
My Engineer uses Craft skills to build and repair his automaton and constructs.
I am looking for feats and Magic items that can help boost his craft skills.
Thanks in advance.

Cevah |
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I have been looking into this as well. This is what I have noted:
250 gp Traveler's Any-Tool +2 circumstance for many craft skills
3,000 gp Fortunate Charm get a re-roll
3,100 gp Azlant Pendant worship associated god and get 1/day +10 insight on a skill check
3,750 gp Four-leaf Clover 3/day +2 luck skill
8,750 gp Monocle of Flawlessness +5 competence on trained craft skills
2 Beloved of the Forge 1H/L +5 luck on trained skills
2 Crafter's Fortune 1D/L +5 luck on next craft check
2 Visualization of the Mind 24H +5 untyped on skill checks of selected mental attribute
2 Visualization of the Body 24H +5 untyped on skill checks of selected physical attribute
EDIT: These items (and spells) may do more than just crafting, so check the links.

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Feat wise, beyond the obvious Skill Focus, Prodigy from UM provides a similar but smaller bonus (+2/+4 @ 10 ranks) to two skills, and nothing says it DOESN'T stack with Skill Focus, so...
Also, Cooperative Crafting on an Ally might help, depending on how the class is written and how your DM interprets things.

Cevah |

The "Engineers Work Gloves" are a great item.
There is also an Ioun Stone that grants skills bonuses.
Rapid Repair - Repairs Constructs
Malfunction - Makes constructs fail.
Unbreakable Construct - Gives constructs a +10 to Hardness.
Feat wise, beyond the obvious Skill Focus, Prodigy from UM provides a similar but smaller bonus (+2/+4 @ 10 ranks) to two skills, and nothing says it DOESN'T stack with Skill Focus, so...
Also, Cooperative Crafting on an Ally might help, depending on how the class is written and how your DM interprets things.
Added links for everyone.
The cheap ioun stone is a competence bonus, so does not stack with the gloves.
Malfunction acts like confusion, rather than making it fail.
Unbreakable Construct lasts 1 round per level.
Cooperative Crafting works just fine unless the GM homebrews things.

Cyderak |

Its a third Party class from Rogue Genius Games.
Its a great class! Very comprehensive.
I even got a guy to code it into Hero Lab.
Here is the link: ENGINEER Base Class

Coidzor |
The spell Arcane Reinforcement would let you add your Spellcraft Ranks to your Craft check, but only when you're crafting an item. So you could double your number of effective ranks in your Craft skills, or you could primarily invest in Spellcraft instead of putting more than a few points in the Craft skills you need.
Provided you can get access, of course. It'd probably take something like a custom magic item or maybe UMD and a wand. Can't recall offhand if Arcane Reinforcement can be put in a wand, though. :V
The spell Genius Avaricious can give up to a +5 untyped bonus for Crafting for an entire month, and the coin it makes can be made by someone else casting the spell who then gives it to you. A wee bit spendy, though.