In the vaccume of space, how does X work

Rules Questions

Silver Crusade

Hi !

I need a clarification on how items works in space, since some items function mus be hampered by the vacuum of space, lack of air, and some empowered by no gravity and no friction....

So its kind of an RAI poste, but i cannot see how a smoke grenade can do just about anything in the vacuum of space... how does frag grenades work?

can normal guns fire in space ? the lack of air must do something to hamper combustion, this goes for flamethrowers and other oxygen reliant flame weapons...

Sonic weapons, how does they work in space ?

Does taking damage lead to loss of suit oxygen ? do you need to patch the holes to stop the oxygen bleed (thanks good for space duct tape)

The list goes on...

Thanks for reading my silly yet relevant questions...

I Will be looking forward to the Starfinder 'how space works' book with neat upgrades for 'none ship' space combat, Magnetic boots, and really huge guns :) (be careful of the recoil it may send you flying)

Silver Crusade

I'll add, since this came up recently:

Are air elementals fine in the vacuum of space? If someone needed to, could they stick their head inside the elemental to breathe? These are the pressing questions of our time.

The Exchange

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All weapons function as written because Paizo hasn't said they don't. There is no mechanic for suits leaking so they don't.
If you are looking for true science in your space opera game you really aren't playing as the game is intended. It is more fun if you suspend belief and play like you are in a Star Wars/Trek/fantasy world. Just as in regular Pathifnder, if you want to have true science it wrecks the game.

Ryyhl wrote:

Hi !

I need a clarification on how items works in space, since some items function mus be hampered by the vacuum of space, lack of air, and some empowered by no gravity and no friction....

So its kind of an RAI poste, but i cannot see how a smoke grenade can do just about anything in the vacuum of space... how does frag grenades work?

can normal guns fire in space ? the lack of air must do something to hamper combustion, this goes for flamethrowers and other oxygen reliant flame weapons...

Sonic weapons, how does they work in space ?

Does taking damage lead to loss of suit oxygen ? do you need to patch the holes to stop the oxygen bleed (thanks good for space duct tape)

The list goes on...

Thanks for reading my silly yet relevant questions...

I Will be looking forward to the Starfinder 'how space works' book with neat upgrades for 'none ship' space combat, Magnetic boots, and really huge guns :) (be careful of the recoil it may send you flying)

Yep....none of those things happen because they're no rules to say they do.

Unless your space suit gains the broken condition (which doesn't happen just because you've taken damage, someone would specifically have to target it) the suits environment isn't compromised. Why? There are many possibilities. Force fields that only keep in the environment and don't protect from damage. Nanites which repair things. A smart suit which somehow compartmentalizes the affected area, allowing the suit to remain operational.

On firearms, each round contains a solid oxidizer which contains enough oxygen (in solid form) to ignite the smokeless gunpowder in the round and fire. This is why guns can be fired underwater.

As far all your others things....the rules work just how they say they do because those are the rules.

Silver Crusade

It's not that I'm necessarily looking for hard science in my fantasy, but not knowing how the majority of that which you encounter in the game interacts with open space would be like having a nautical themed campaign and having no rules for how things function underwater.

Apart from my example which happened in plain Pathfinder, in Starfinder there's almost certainly going to be a time when you, your equipment, or monsters will be floating around out there, and it would be good to know if the vacuum is uber deadly or just a minor annoyance.

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Ryyhl wrote:
Hi !


how a smoke grenade can do just about anything in the vacuum of space...

The dispersion of gasses in space require two things: 1) a pressure difference, and 2) propulsion.

If there's none of either, the gas will stay right where it is without dispersion.

However, smoke grenades do provide a bit of propulsion to the gas by maxing out the available space within the grenade, so the smoke must escape, thereby flowing from a highly concentrated area to a lower concentrated area. Ergo, there's enough physics behind it for the smoke grenades work work effectively as normal by the rules of the game.

Of course, no one will be breathing it, but the smoke will cause obscurement if vision until it all disperses enough where it can't obscure anything anymore.


how does frag grenades work?

can normal guns fire in space ? the lack of air must do something to hamper combustion

These two have the same answer, as I recently learned just yesterday! They have a self contained oxidizer which allows the explosive powder to ignite. The bullet fires, the fragments disperse.

this goes for flamethrowers and other oxygen reliant flame weapons...

Well, a flame is just the visible light of heat. So while your flame may be produced inside a sealed chamber, the heat could be released causing the same damage. In your personal game, you may wish to take away any aspect of continued burning on enemies while in space.

Sonic weapons, how does they work in space ?

Well, as you require some sort of molecular medium for sound to travel, there could be a couple of ways. 1) Touching the enemy with a Sonic weapon can transfer the sound waves through their suit. 2) Perhaps it starts as a radio signal and causes damage through their comms. 3) The weapon fires a small electronic bead which then transfers the sound upon contact.

You could also just ignore it, or remove the effectiveness of certain weapons from your home game.

Does taking damage lead to loss of suit oxygen ? do you need to patch the holes to stop the oxygen bleed (thanks good for space duct tape)

Nope! Many suits have some sort of device which auto patches any holes in the suit. The game says this could be a force field or maybe other ideas. I've even created a thread for coming up with various ideas for why it happens. :)

For most stuff, you can find a reason why a specific item works (and then claim other items which produce the same effect don't work). Or you can ignore it and suspend your disbelief. Or change it up for your home game!

Honestly Smoke/ Gas is the only one of your questions that should not work. Space has two features, no gravity and no air, that make smoke almost useless. As the smoke is produced it has some pressure that causes it to be expelled from the canister. On the ground the friction with the ground (due to gravity) keeps the grenade from moving under this thrust. Likewise air resistance slows and disperses the smoke stream forming a blanket near the ground although some will rise due to higher temp. In space there is no friction from the ground so the smoke grenade becomes a very slow unstable rocket. With no air the jet of smoke will tend to travel in a straight line. The result is at best you would get a brief pattern of thin streams of smoke. Worst case is a single thin line of smoke as the grenade flies off in a random direction.

As for flame thrower you could assume the fuel has it's own oxidizer.

Lane_S wrote:
In space there is no friction from the ground so the smoke grenade becomes a very slow unstable rocket. With no air the jet of smoke will tend to travel in a straight line. The result is at best you would get a brief pattern of thin streams of smoke. Worst case is a single thin line of smoke as the grenade flies off in a random direction.

This assumes there's only one exit for the smoke. If you had multiple exits and they were placed symmetrically around the grenade, it would stay in place and create a pattern of obscurement.

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