A Feat for Each Class


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After some play with the Envoy and Solarian at low levels, I am notably underwhelmed, and would be even more so if I was using an archetypes, since they get so few of what makes them unique. A 3rd level Envoy has up to three tricks that aren't skills and are only especially effective in up to three skills, at least, moreso than other characters (and even then its one or the other, not three and three).

So, to counteract this underwhelming phenomenon, I decided to brew some fast, easy feats that will also ease the burden of archetyping and gives some more feat options for characters who already had the feats they wanted.

There's a feat for each class, and while the stronger classes are buffed by this, the weaker ones are buffed much further since none of these increase power, but rather increase options.


Extra Improvisation: Learn another envoy improvisation that you qualify for.

Extra Mechanic Trick: Learn another mechanic trick that you qualify for.

Strengthened Connection: Gain an extra Resolve Point that can only be used with connection powers.

Extra Exploit: Learn a new operative exploit that you qualify for.

Extra Revelation: Learn a new stellar revelation that you qualify for.

Extra Gear Boost: Learn a new gear boost that you qualify for.

Extra Magic Hack: Learn a new magic hack that you qualify for.


While this could be exploited a bit, it's a simple change which I believe helps far more than it hurts, both by increasing the utility of less powerful classes and giving players more options for customization.

Yes! The biggest thing I thought was missing from the feat section was the extra feats. They are incredibly useful for when you can't find a different feat.

CactusUnicorn wrote:
Yes! The biggest thing I thought was missing from the feat section was the extra feats. They are incredibly useful for when you can't find a different feat.

Especially considering that each one adds an effective 8+ "feats" on it's own since there's a ton of options to choose from.

I decided to change the Mystic feat due to it being a bit weak.

This is now the feat for Mystics:

Connection Aspects: Gain the 1st level Connection Power of another Connection. (This may be restricted to other Connections available to your source of power)

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I believe they deliberately choose not to have these feats since the design team came to the conclusion that Extra feats in Pathfinder easily led to power creep due to most of the talent options being significantly stronger than feats and the feat becoming stronger with the more options that get published with the class. However, most talents in Starfinder are roughly as strong as feats anyway. Some of them are actually weaker.

The main reason behind these was to just give Envoys and Solarians more things to do at low levels and to make archetyping less punishing.

Also because it's more fun this way when feats can grant interesting, unique options instead of the current assortments of bonuses to perform specific actions.

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