Quasit's cause fear ability?

Rules Questions

Is a quasit's cause fear ability per single target or crowd? Because in one adventure module it says a quasit uses its cause fear ability and then tangles with whoever's still standing.

cmastah wrote:
Is a quasit's cause fear ability per single target or crowd? Because in one adventure module it says a quasit uses its cause fear ability and then tangles with whoever's still standing.

Bestiary states 1/day, 30ft radius, DC11.

Edit: So, it's an AoE burst. While the ability doesn't clearly state a targets, and the spell targets "a living creature", I'd say that the burst has the quasit as the PoO.

Yorien wrote:
cmastah wrote:
Is a quasit's cause fear ability per single target or crowd? Because in one adventure module it says a quasit uses its cause fear ability and then tangles with whoever's still standing.
Bestiary states 1/day, 30ft radius,

Thanks, I'd seen that but I wanted to make sure it wasn't the maximum range of the ability.

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