Deimosaur |
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Here comes a new playtest for a psionic class, courtesy of Dreamscarred Press: the Voyager. A 6-level manifestor with plenty of potential tricks up their sleeves, voyagers are tricksters who play with time and space. And they love to go fast! They have a unique new ability based on their capability of receiving assistance from their future, past, and alternate selves, known as parallel actions. Besides their contributions in a fight, a voyager can fit into a party as a trapfinder or a veritable fountain of knowledge.
Besides the base class, this document contains supporting feats for psionic classes and racial favored class options for the voyager, along with two archetypes for the voyager. The first archetype is the metronome, who keeps pace with her alternate selves to gain consistency at the cost of potential speed, and the second is the doomsayer, who serves as a vessel for the End of Time.
To read about them and more, click here:
Game well and have fun.
(...this is late. I was having issues signing up on the Paizo site. Turns out I already had an account.)

Deimosaur |
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There's been some minor updates and 'bug fixes' in response to feedback, the most significant (and recent) being the following:
Time Swap feat: Removed, as its effect has been incorporated into the main ability.
Parallel Initiative: After rolling both her initiative and her parallel initiative and seeing the results, the voyager may switch the results of her initiative check with her parallel initiative.

Roonfizzle Garnackle |

After reading this class with a touch of trepidation (Ill planned Chronomancy gives me nightmares from a DM perspective, planned one's are tricky enough as is), I find myself intrigued by the class concept and pleased with it's presentation.
I hope to see one in play for a game I'm planning on running soon, and would like to request clarification on Speeding Strike. Specifically, what precise range of attacks are or are not available, to a Voyager using a ranged weapon? Do all the targets have to literally fall within a single line between points A and B ala Overrun? Adjacent to such a line? Or within attack range, assuming line of sight at ANY point between A and B?
I suspect it's option 1, that I'd maybe be OK with option 2 depending on the power scale of the rest of the party, and well, option 3 is something I'd be highly uncomfortable with for a L6 ability.
IF one of my prospective players picks this up, I will provide play-test feedback as it occurs and request that the player do so as well, hopefully early enough that it's useful.

Deimosaur |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I hope to see one in play for a game I'm planning on running soon, and would like to request clarification on Speeding Strike. Specifically, what precise range of attacks are or are not available, to a Voyager using a ranged weapon? Do all the targets have to literally fall within a single line between points A and B ala Overrun? Adjacent to such a line? Or within attack range, assuming line of sight at ANY point between A and B?
The range of speeding strike with a ranged and a melee weapon should be the same. It's a straight line between the start and end points of the teleportation.
I'm glad you like how it looks. Good luck, if one of your players try it!

Deimosaur |
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Big(-ish) update. Cliff notes here, actual updates in the playtest document.
* Momentum is getting changed slightly. A voyager now chooses to use momentum when making an attack, and spends all their momentum at once when doing so. Attacks enhanced by momentum now gain a +2 bonus to the attack roll (in addition to the 1d6 damage per point spent). Points of momentum are now cleared at the beginning of the voyager's parallel turn instead of her own, allowing her to build momentum with parallel actions and use it on her own turn.
*Essential training added at second level, lightening the feat taxes for most builds.
*Endless added at 10th, a fluffy feature regarding age. Relevant to this, an update to eternity awaits at 20th level, disallowing a future self from returning to fix a death of old age.

deuxhero |
Given the opening and their having Planes (essential for finding your way around the planes) and Geography (essential for finding your way around the prime material) based on that, why not Dungeoneering (essential for finding your way around underground) and Survival (allows knowing north, though this can slide with Know Direction and Location as a talent)?
Can Parallel Turn trigger your own Teamwork Feat? Several trigger off Aid Another. The Paranoid drawback seems like it would effect Parallel Turn, but that sounds like a hilarious character to play.
Six skill points per level, with Intelligence as an important ability score? That could add up fast.
Eh, Psionic Rogue and Beguiler did it in 3.5. Neither caused serious issues beyond outshining the rogue at something the rogue was never good at anyways.

Deimosaur |
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Power Cycle has been divvied up a bit. The new Kinetic Wave comes online at 8th level, providing some AoE damage potential to savvy voyagers without requiring a branched path. Power Cycle remains at 9th level and has had wording made more clear.
Is Momentum meant to be precision damage like Sneak Attack, or its own thing, ie, bypassing the immunities of oozes, elementals, and swarms?
It is not precision damage. It's bonus damage, much like that from a fighter's weapon training, or the power attack feat. Its damage type is the same as the same as the rest of the damage of the attack it's being delivered with.

Deimosaur |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Another update. Two new archetypes:
The crossfire, who mixes a voyager's time shenanigans with firearms.
The timekeeper, who eschews momentum for the ability to further control events that take place around him.
Game well and have fun.

Deimosaur |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

. . . well this is awkward.
There's been tons of updates since my last post here. Sorry about triple posting, but I think it's worth the bump here.
Since I've last posted here, I've pared down the archetypes to just the metronome and the crossfire. I've changed the small details of how momentum works a few times. Parallel actions have been adjusted over and over again. However, most significantly, I've added a core ability to the base class at second level: Manifestation of Speed.
Manifestation of Speed keep the voyager mobile, and assists in incorporating use of psionic powers into their playstyle. The variety of what a voyager can do each turn now is quite something to behold!
The link is still here.