Looking for sources for a jump and run module



I remember playing a campaign where we had to chase a npc through a city. We did acrobatic, climb and other rolls on our way. I am not looking for this specific adventure but for a template I can use in my self brewed campaign.

Any ideas where I can find this?

Silver Crusade

The adventure sounds like the first Curse of the Crimson Throne adventure, Edge of Anarchy, which uses Chase rules.

Here's the Chase Cards

The first part of the pirate module plunder and peril has a chase mechanic in it. It's a race but should be easily adapted to what you're doing.

Perfect... on my way to get the Chase Cards. Thanks!

Silver Crusade

Np ^w^

Shadow Lodge

vadda wrote:
Perfect... on my way to get the Chase Cards. Thanks!
Be warned that the Chase rules aren't particularly good:
  • They tend to stress individual achievement over the success of the team as everyone needs to make their own checks and characters like low-level clerics in medium armor are going to have serious issues keeping up, and a single character catching the quarry alone could be in for a serious beat-down.
  • It's real easy for the PCs to lose a chase really quickly (For the one published chase I remember, the guy being chased just happened to have all the skills needed while the PCs were extremely hit-or-miss, and I know I spent 3 round trying to make an acrobatics check at the start).
  • On the one chase I remember, the choices for the penultimate check (at level 2) was 'DC 23 Climb check or DC 15 (trained only skill): My barbarian was literally the only party member that could possibly make the climb check, and even then I needed to roll a 14 or so. To make things worse, the previous check choice was 'reflex save or Handle Animal (trained only)' so we couldn't even do the 'do both tests to skip the next obstacle entirely' option.
What I guess I am saying is you shouldn't expect Chases to go well or be popular with many of your players: A modified version might work well, but history is kinda stacked against it...

Silver Crusade

Um, they did literally state in the OP that they liked the rules when they played it and wanted to the rules to use in their homebrew campaign.

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