Enhanced Resistance Feat

General Discussion

Was wondering if Enhanced Resistant feat can be taken multiple times. Each time with a different resistant type that is.

The Exchange

Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Feats can only be taken more than once if they say they can be specifically since enhanced resistance doesn't have that language it can only be taken once and for good reason.

Grand Lodge

Well that is true in Pathfinder, not necessarily so in Starfinder. There is no inclusive language in Weapon Focus in Starfinder, which would mean that you can only take Weapon Focus one time. However, in the character examples there are multiple listings of Weapon Focus for each weapon type involved.

Baloo Woodtide wrote:
Well that is true in Pathfinder, not necessarily so in Starfinder. There is no inclusive language in Weapon Focus in Starfinder, which would mean that you can only take Weapon Focus one time. However, in the character examples there are multiple listings of Weapon Focus for each weapon type involved.

You can't take Weapon Focus more than once. Anyone you see with Weapon Focus in more than one category has Versatile Weapon Focus, which is a feat you qualify for by having basic Weapon Focus and gives you +1 to any weapon that you are proficient in.

Unless the language specifically allows taking the feat more than once, you can't.

[Edit : Ninja'd, was answering to Baloo's (legitimate) point.]

Which is somewhat silly, because that's what Versatile Focus is for, and it does it better.

Considering there are feats who specifically call out that they can be taken more than once, I'll assume this means you normally can't.
I can't check the book right now, but if it's not explicit in the rules, it's probably an oversight that should really be corrected.
Otherwise, this will be debated for years to come.

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