Do NPC's have the right attack modifiers in the Starfinder Society's adventures?

Rules Questions

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Just last week my group decided to play Starfinder for the first time.

The GM ran the adventure, rules as written, but we--the players--were trounced. Thoroughly trounced!

All the NPCs had Attack Modifiers that were near double digits (the lowest at +8, most at +9). The best PC in the group was at a +6.

We paused and did the math and it seemed unlikely that all of the opposition had max starting attributes, specialization, and took solider as their class...and maybe a morale bonus, 'cause even all of that should be under the bonuses they all posed.

Now, it was only our first game. So I'm not going to accuse the module of doing something unfair for all NPCs involved. But did we miss something in the rules to this? I double check then, and even now right before posting, and it only says that the base attack is relevant Ability Modifier plus Attack Bonus for Class and Level.

I'm suppose to run Yesterday's Truth tomorrow and I'm already noticing that the first robot I came across has a slam attack for +6 base to hit and a ranged laser at +9. Its Strength offers only a +2 and Dex a +4. For a CR 1 creature it should be that good at hitting PCs.

Any advice would be much appreciated, especially if it can come before 4pm EST tomorrow, September 19th 2017.



Liberty's Edge

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NPCs in Starfinder are built in an entirely different manner than PCs, much like the Simple Monster Creation Rules in Pathfinder Unchained, but with different numbers specifically designed (among other things) to give higher attack and lower AC than PCs get at the same level.

So, yeah, those numbers are probably about right for the most part (though I've noticed some small errors in SFS stat-blocks). Their AC is probably way worse than yours, though.

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NPCs use a different set of rules than PCs, though to find out exactly what these rules are we're going to have to wait for Alien Archive.

Liberty's Edge

To Expand, the NPCs stats are more based upon the desired CR of the encounter. This is why they don't match up as a PC would.

This is a change from Pathfinder where it was pretty straight forward to reverse engineer the numbers.

This said, there are some "errors" and those have been pointed in the GM Discussion area for the adventures as well as the Starfinder Society Scenarios First Wave Clarifications and Errata on the SFS side of the house.

Liberty's Edge

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Gary Bush wrote:
To Expand, the NPCs stats are more based upon the desired CR of the encounter. This is why they don't match up as a PC would.

It's a little more complicated than that, involving specific templates and the like...but it's not all that much like PC creation.

Gary Bush wrote:
This is a change from Pathfinder where it was pretty straight forward to reverse engineer the numbers.

In fairness, we're getting a comprehensive NPC/monster creation system in the Alien Archive and can likely do the same once we have it.

Thanks for the notice on the skewed results we had. Still we were trounced with that first adventure. :p

I will relook at the stat blocks for the NPCs for the module I'm running and compare it to the rest of the group. I'll make any adjustments from there.

Thanks to all again for the prompt replies! :)


I would hazard a guess that the scenario was SFS1-04 Journey to the Red Planet? It has been noted that one of the encounters is over the top for 1st lvl PCs to handle.

Wacky-D wrote:

Thanks for the notice on the skewed results we had. Still we were trounced with that first adventure. :p

I will relook at the stat blocks for the NPCs for the module I'm running and compare it to the rest of the group. I'll make any adjustments from there.

Thanks to all again for the prompt replies! :)


Deadmanwalking wrote:

NPCs in Starfinder are built in an entirely different manner than PCs, much like the Simple Monster Creation Rules in Pathfinder Unchained, but with different numbers specifically designed (among other things) to give higher attack and lower AC than PCs get at the same level.

So, yeah, those numbers are probably about right for the most part (though I've noticed some small errors in SFS stat-blocks). Their AC is probably way worse than yours, though.

I am curious if this is by design. ie higher attack #'s than party which depending on party armor mean more hits thus requiring the use of resolve points to deal with Stam Damage?

If so this is different than how a lot of games use hero points renamed in SF to resolve points.


Liberty's Edge

That's probably intentional, yeah.

Though the main intent seems to have been to keep Summoning and Mind Control spells relevant to PCs (since you can summon something several CR down and it'll still have enough to-hit to actually be effective against enemies) while making an enemy mind controlling the Soldier not a death sentence for the rest of the PCs (since her comparative attack is lower).

Deadmanwalking wrote:

That's probably intentional, yeah.

Though the main intent seems to have been to keep Summoning and Mind Control spells relevant to PCs (since you can summon something several CR down and it'll still have enough to-hit to actually be effective against enemies) while making an enemy mind controlling the Soldier not a death sentence for the rest of the PCs (since her comparative attack is lower).

I agree this is often an issue or can be for any/most games and is a tough one to work out well.


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