PC resource hunt for potion ingredients - elixir of sex shifting


Grand Lodge

I have a player whose character is interesting in helping a trans friend NPC acquire an elixir of sex shifting so the friend can permanently assume his gender identity. (How sweet!) But it's a 2nd-level character and the price is a bit out of his reach; he's asking if he can contribute resources instead to bring the price down. Anyone have creative suggestions on fun ingredients he can keep an eye open for to contribute toward this elixir?

For context, we're in the first book of Hell's Rebels, set in Kintargo.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

You might want to look into herbs that historically have been used in real life before modern medicine.

I know for trans woman things like Licorice, Soy, and umm....the urine from pregnant horses was used.

As for trans men I am not entirely too sure But i am sure the information is out there.

I believe in Adventurer's Guide in the Rivethun section they published a set of items that help with transition.
The Anderos Salve is a alchemical equipment for trans men that basically functions as HRT.
And Mulibrious Tincture is the one used for trans women.

They each cost 5gp. I was hoping their description would explain some of the ingredients for each but they do not.

I will continue to ponder on this subject for you. I hope you get more great answers!

Sovereign Court

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Quite honestly if the goal is simply to use it/transfer it, the WBL guidelines are mostly there so players don't go running around with +5 weapons at level 2.

But you can simply just have a quest where he will obtain said elixir and be able to give it to his friend.

Most likely he would need to find a patron, look around or make up one for this sidequest.

Give the PC a quest to help a cleric of Arshea with something, and the reward is that the cleric will brew up an Elixir of Sex Shifting for the PC's friend. Helping people figure out their gender identities and such is exactly what Arsheans are all about.

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Water from a nymph's pool; wine from a satyr's cup; blood, sweat and tears of a <gender archetype>

You could throw more ethereal items into the mix -- a nymph's sigh or a satyr's wink. A chieftain's approval or a princess' ire

You could also put a special process in -- Stir 3 times at the end of a day of thankless work; Bring to a boil by the heat of a male/female <fire subtype>

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I made a bonus quest about that exact scenario (though for mine it was a re-supply of the alchemical stuff he was using) for my Hell's Rebels party.

The ingredients for mine were: black yarrow, ground chalcedony, vervain, betony, digmaul tail, almiraj horn, powdered kelp, and some hair from the person that the elixir is for.

Clownfish extract

doppleganger fingernails

Kitsune fur

Grand Lodge

These are all super-helpful, thank you all!

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