Society Starship Statistics Questions

Starfinder Society

Liberty's Edge Contributor

In the SFS Roleplaying Guild Guide, the Tier 6, 8, and 10 Drakes have a TL with a value one lower than their AC. However, they all have defensive countermeasures that should provide a bonus equal to the one provided by their armor (mk 5, mk 6, and mk 7, respectively).

Edit: I also see that the tier 12 Drake has mk 9 defenses, but its TL bonus is only +8.

Is there a rule I'm missing that reduces the ship's TL to account for this difference?

Paizo Employee 5/5 Starfinder Society Developer

Check the rules on Mk 5 armor and beyond. It starts applying a TL penalty. :)

Liberty's Edge Contributor

Ah! Dangit!

"Read the rules, Paris!"

Thanks, Thursty!

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

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Also, in future revisions of the guide, can the starship entries include sensor and weapon ranges, as well as pre-calculating the amount of shields that can be restored by an Engineer during combat?

Looking at the guide, the guide answered a rules question that I had about how often a starship computer's bonus applied during a round. Though I still think they should apply to one character's role during an entire round.

Liberty's Edge Contributor

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Okay. After that foolishness with not reading the rules correctly, I'm hoping I can provide something of value.

Here are ship sheets for both of the Starfinder Society hulls at each tier.

I took Mr. Ferret's suggestion and included more information about each of the weapons and the amount of shields engineers can divert on their turn. I also provided DCs for the most common actions for other roles. I only provided static DCs and didn't include ones based on an enemy ship.

If someone will check my work, I'll be happy to make corrections where necessary.

Starfinder Society DRAKE Ship Sheets

Starfinder Society PEGASUS Ship Sheets

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

The Masked Ferret wrote:
Looking at the guide, the guide answered a rules question that I had about how often a starship computer's bonus applied during a round. Though I still think they should apply to one character's role during an entire round.

Well, after reading the CRB, my understanding was wrong.

Thanks Paris for your work. I will take a look at them later and give some feedback.

Liberty's Edge Contributor

I just uploaded a change to the files. I removed the words from the ship name blocks, so the GM can put the name of the ship used in each scenario.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

I thought most adventures will have the players picking a standard shipping of the Drake or Pegasus class unless the players have a boon for a different one. This would make ship names not important.

I have only seen the quests and 1-00. 1-00 did not have a special name for the ship.

Liberty's Edge Contributor

Gary Bush wrote:

I thought most adventures will have the players picking a standard shipping of the Drake or Pegasus class unless the players have a boon for a different one. This would make ship names not important.

I have only seen the quests and 1-00. 1-00 did not have a special name for the ship.

There are only two classes of ships available, but those ships can have different names. In one scenario, the PEGASUS class ship is called the Loreseeker and the DRAKE class ship is called the Odyssey. I just left the ship names blank so that the correct names can be added.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

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Yes, that is the Quest Pack. I get the feeling that adventure is special.

For 1-00, Claim to Salvation, the ship is the Pegasus, which is a Pegasus class ship.

So I don't know what they will do going forward. Naming ships in each adventure or just having the class ships of Pegasus and Drake.

I know that players can get different classes of ships as rewards for adventures. I just have not played any yet that would give the boon.

Liberty's Edge Contributor

Gary Bush wrote:

Yes, that is the Quest Pack. I get the feeling that adventure is special.

For 1-00, Claim to Salvation, the ship is the Pegasus, which is a Pegasus class ship.

So I don't know what they will do going forward. Naming ships in each adventure or just having the class ships of Pegasus and Drake.

I know that players can get different classes of ships as rewards for adventures. I just have not played any yet that would give the boon.

True. I made an assumption, based on the two scenarios that we currently have with starship combat. "Two points don't make a trend," though, especially since, as you say one of those is a Society special. Even the other one is special in that it's a quest. I'll take another look at that section of the ship sheet once we see how other scenarios handle things.

Paizo Employee 5/5 Starfinder Society Developer

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Our intent, is that for future scenarios, PCs should be encouraged to name their Pegasus or Drake starship frames. We aren't planning on using specific starship names, except for special events. Naming a ship is one of the ways we want players to customize their starships!

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Thurston Hillman wrote:
Our intent, is that for future scenarios, PCs should be encouraged to name their Pegasus or Drake starship frames. We aren't planning on using specific starship names, except for special events. Naming a ship is one of the ways we want players to customize their starships!

While I understand the intent, the addition of another thing the PCs can get into a debate about seems unfortunate...

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

Cool. While it would cause some debate, I don't see it taking too much time.

Or we could just let the GM provide the name!

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I have a question regarding the statistics on the players ships.

I'm assuming that NPC ships such as the vessels in "Into the Unknown", we use the values of AC and TL "as is", since it's been established that NPCs abilities are computed differently to player characters

However, for the ships the players will be using (I'm aware that we're using the Pegasus from the SFS guide, not the included one), it lists AC and TL values. Do we use them "as is", or do we add the player's piloting ability as per the formulas on page 320, including the bonus to piloting from the base profile? Example:

Tier 2 pegasus has a listed AC of 12. Assuming that the group chooses someone with 1 rank in piloting, which value is correct?

A. Use as is, AC =12
B: The +1 from piloting has already been factored into the 12, so just add 1 more from the player, giving AC =13
C: Factor in both the +1 to piloting from the hull, as well as the players skill, AC =14.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

You would add the Pilot Ranks of the character in that Pilot role. You don't use skill points, you use the number of Ranks in the Pilot skill.

The bonus provide because of the Frame and/or Computer is already included in the stat block for AC and TL.

So in your example, B is the correct answer.

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Ah, rank, not skill, thank you. So the +1 is to rolls, not any statistics.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

No, it is +1 to AC and TL, which are stats. Like I said, B is the correct answer.

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