Can my subscription shipment be delayed?

Customer Service

Recently, some of my subscription items weren't shipped, due to an error. This led to several of them being shipped together, which cut down on the shipping costs. I subsequently got to wondering whether it would be possible to do this on a regular basis. That is, would it be possible for the single subscription item that's due to be shipped to me in early September (PF AP #122) to instead be shipped with the two subscription items that are due to be shipped in late September/early October (SF AP #2 and PF AP #123)? And then the same thing done every two months? If it is possible, how would I go about managing it?

Many thanks for your help!

Paizo Employee Customer Service Representative

Hello Callum,

Thanks for your question! We don't have a way to do this automatically in our system. While there are some off-schedule subscriptions that you can set to only be sent out with regular subscriptions, we don't have a setting that will delay monthly subscriptions.

We are able to adjust orders between when they are generated and when they are shipped, so if you see a particular order that you don't want shipped by itself, you can always ask us to just put the items back into your sidecart or combine them with any other pending orders you may have at the time. This assumes, of course, that it's up to you to contact us about it, and that we are able to process your request before the subscription item is shipped.

I hope this helps! Please let me know if there are any further questions or concerns that you may have in the meantime, and I will be more than happy to assist you.


Hi, Katina

Thanks for your reply. If it's not too late, would you mind pushing PF AP #122 back so that it's shipped with the two subscription items that are due to be shipped in late September/early October (SF AP #2 and PF AP #123)?

Thanks again!

Paizo Employee Customer Service Representative

Hi Callum,

Sure thing! I've pushed #122 back into your sidecart, so it should automatically go out with next month's products. Just let me know if there's anything else I can assist you with.


Hi, again, Katina

That worked great - thank you! Would you mind now pushing PF AP #124 back so that it's shipped with the two subscription items that are due to be shipped in late November/early December (SF AP #3 and PF AP #125)?

Thanks again!

Paizo Employee Customer Service Representative

Hi Callum,

Adventure Path #124 hasn't been generated yet, so if I put it into the sidecart now, it will just ship next month as normal. What you'll want to do is let us know when the order has generated, and I can put the book back into your sidecart then so that it'll wait for the next shipment.

We're planning to start generating November subscriptions on October 26th, so keep an eye out for your confirmation email on either the 26th or 27th. I'll be happy to help with any other questions or concerns you might have in the meantime.

Thanks! :)

Ah, okay, I understand. I'll look out for the email. Thanks for your help!

Hi, again, Katina

I've received my confirmation email for the November subscription shipment. Would you mind now pushing it (PF AP #124) back so that it's shipped with the two subscription items that are due to be shipped in late November/early December (SF AP #3 and PF AP #125)?

Thanks again!

Customer Service Representative

Hi Callum,

Thanks for the notification. I have moved #124 to your sidecart.


Hi, again!

I've received my confirmation email for the January subscription shipment. Would you mind now pushing it (PF AP #126) back into my sidecart so that it's shipped with the two subscription items that are due to be shipped in early February (SF AP #4 and PF AP #127)?

Thanks again!

Customer Service Representative

Hi Callum,

Sure! 126 has been moved to your sidecart.


Hi, again!

I've received my confirmation email for the March subscription shipment. Would you mind now pushing it (PF AP #128) back into my sidecart so that it's shipped with the two subscription items that are due to be shipped in early April (SF AP #5 and PF AP #129)?

Thanks again!

Paizo Employee Customer Service Representative

Hi Callum,

Sure thing! I've moved #128 into your sidecart, and you should see it in there now. Just let me know if there's anything else I can help out with in the meantime.


Hi there

I've just received an email saying that #128 is expected to ship to me by Friday, and that the order has been finalised for shipment and can no longer be altered! As discussed above, though, you'd put it back into my sidecart - which I confirmed shortly after you sent that message. What's happened here?

Customer Service Representative

Hi Callum,

Yikes! I'm sorry to see that! I'm not sure what went wrong there :(

I've refunded the shipping cost to you as store credit.


Thanks for the quick response, Sharaya!

Hi, again!

I've received my confirmation email for the May subscription shipment. Would you mind now pushing it (PF AP #130) back into my sidecart so that it's shipped with the two subscription items that are due to be shipped in June (SF AP #6 and PF AP #131)?

Thanks again!

Customer Service Representative

Hello Callum,

I have moved Adventure Path 130 to your sidecart to ship out along with your June subscription order.

Hi, again!

I've received my confirmation email for the July subscription shipment. Would you mind now pushing it (PF AP #132) back into my sidecart so that it's shipped with the two subscription items that are due to be shipped in August (SF AP #7 and PF AP #133)?

Thanks again!

Customer Service Representative


I've moved your order to your sidecart!


Sharaya wrote:

Hi Callum,

Yikes! I'm sorry to see that! I'm not sure what went wrong there :(

I've refunded the shipping cost to you as store credit.


Hi, Sharaya!

My store credit wasn't applied to my most recent order (5301259) - is that because this was a subscription order? If so, how do I get the store credit applied to my next subscription order?


Customer Service Representative

Hello Callum,

There is an option in your subscription options to allow store credit to be applied to subscription orders. When this option is turned on, and a new subscription order is generated, it will check to see if there is any store credit to use.

I have turned this option on for you. When our next subscription order generates, it will look to use your store credit. If you have any further questions or concerns, please let me know. Thank you!

Hi, Sam

Great - thanks for doing that!

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