Grenade Timers? (Pull the Pin)

Rules Questions

The 'Pull the Pin' feat mentions this:

"The grenade explodes at the end of your current turn, unless it has a delayed fuse that causes it to go off 1 round or more after it is activated."

This leads me to believe that (at least some) grenades can have delayed fuses.

Is this a standard feature or does a grenade timer cost extra?

Are there set durations (0 rounds, 1 round, 5 rounds) or can it be variable? If so, how long is the maximum timer?

One presumes a grenade is primed in some way immediately before being thrown, but would setting a timer require a separate action or is it included in the throw action?

I don't know if there's an answer to that in the book, but I'd allow it as long as the delay is determined at creation/purchase for set timers, and at an extra cost (plus a swift action for setting the timer) for a grenade with a variable timer.

A variable length fuse seems like a trivial addition to a high-tech grenade. Digital timer mechanisms can be mass produced for under a dollar in our world. Grenades are already expensive, so should have this at no extra cost.

No idea what action it should be to set the timer, though.

Silver Crusade

So, what is the save DC for a grenade that goes off on a timer, or by remote control? Is Dex still involved somehow, even though the grenade is just sitting there?

It should be.. simply because that is the only DC stated. It doesn't state "when thrown" or anything.. so its the same DC whether thrown, set, shot from an bow, shot from a launcher.

"Explosives have the same price, effect, and weight as
grenades (see page 183). If you successfully set an explosive on
a stationary object with a detonator using the Engineering skill,
the explosive’s damage ignores half of the object’s hardness."
So even when you set it as a generic explosive, it still uses the same as a grenade. So dex always.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

In the core rules there is no delayed fuse or timer, for PFS you cannot use something like that. You can use a detonator and code the grenades to that (at 1 minute per grenade).

Main problem is you pull the pin then you have to wash your hands. pull the pin, was your hands. etc.

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In Iron Gods, the rules for grenades were that the exploded at the start of your next turn (weird, huh?). This made for some fun, though odd scenarios where people would run up to a live grenade and kick it, like a soccer ball. You couldn't pick it up and throw it, because that would take too many actions, so grenade soccer was the answer.

I also allowed people to ready an action to throw the grenade just before it detonated, thus avoiding the grenade soccer match.

It should totally be possible to set a grenade to detonate on a timer.

There should also be rules for explosives like lumps of C4, claymore mines, explosives molded to look like everyday objects, shaped charges that are made for blasting holes in objects, etc..

theheadkase wrote:
In the core rules there is no delayed fuse or timer, for PFS you cannot use something like that. You can use a detonator and code the grenades to that (at 1 minute per grenade).

If you want delay grenades, its reasonably doable using current equipment. Get a computer, a detonator, and a control module to control the detonator. Then just program the computer to remotely detonate the grenade after the period in time after you threw the grenade. You could even clip off the pin or use explosives instead of grenades so you'd be immune to Pull the Pin.

Its relatively cheap at 1st level.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Yeah it's doable in that method but I was referring to Pull the Pin referencing something that's not in the core book.

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