Quantum dogslicer?

Rules Questions

Liberty's Edge

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Do any of the Starfinder materials give a full definition (price, special properties, etc.) of the "quantum dogslicer" wielded by space goblins? I can't seem to find it.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

The only quantum weapon property they have listed is on page 304, the Weapons section of Building Starships. My guess is they meant to have the same effect as a weapon special property but it was forgotten or accidentally nixed in editing and layout (or it will be printed in a later book, possibly the AP).

Starfinder Core Rulebook, page 304 wrote:


Once a gunner fires a quantum weapon, he can reroll one gunnery
check (see page 243) for that weapon after its launch if the result
would be a miss. Only tracking weapons have this special property.

I would imagine that a quantum dogslicer wielder can reroll one attack for that weapon if the result would be a miss.

Tarpeius wrote:
Do any of the Starfinder materials give a full definition (price, special properties, etc.) of the "quantum dogslicer" wielded by space goblins? I can't seem to find it.

What is the source of the "quantum dogslicer"? I can only find a regular dogslicer in First Contact.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Page 421 of the core stats out the Space Goblin Monark, which is CR 20 and has the quantum dogslicer.

It's fluff text probably. Like "dimensional slice".

Ah. That quantum dogslicer.

First, I think that monster is just for the sake of explaining the stat block, and probably shouldn't be taken seriously as an example of anything.

Beyond that, it looks like it does 13d6 S damage, is probably one-handed (per the picture), and doesn't seem to have any critical effect (nothing in the stat block). The "quantum" adjective probably doesn't have any more meaning than the "sentinel" spear vs. the "tactical" spear. The base damage is better than the molecular rift dueling sword, which is a level 18 basic melee weapon; it's probably a level 20 basic melee weapon. It's probably bulk L, like the other basic melee weapons. I'm thinking it's analog, and not powered, and not operative.

Unless they want to sell it (if they can find a buyer), that's probably sufficient. I'd probably let them sell it for 50-60kCr, after some sort of skill challenge to find an appropriate buyer. [Is there a standardized abbreviation for "credit"?]

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Sometimes you just have to slice some quantum dogs.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Distant Scholar wrote:
Tarpeius wrote:
Do any of the Starfinder materials give a full definition (price, special properties, etc.) of the "quantum dogslicer" wielded by space goblins? I can't seem to find it.
What is the source of the "quantum dogslicer"? I can only find a regular dogslicer in First Contact.

The regular dogslicer also isn't defined. The space goblin's other weapon, the "junklaser," is compared to a "holdout laser pistol," which I'm guessing from the damage and crit stats is an azimuth laser pistol--but with a leftover Pathfinder concept (holdout weapon). Mildly frustrating.

EDIT: If we use the same stat comparison method to identify the dogslicer, I suppose we could say a regular version from First Contact corresponds with a survival knife (1d4 S). That still leaves the quantum dogslicer with no matching defined weapon.

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RealAlchemy wrote:
Sometimes you just have to slice some quantum dogs.

There's only one way to slice a dog that could be in multiple places at the same time, mathematically speaking.

I am still wondering what magical effect made a normally size Small goblin Large.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Maybe it's secretly a Small goblin in a Large goblin suit?

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Ugh. Anyone ever have to clean up after a quantum dog? That's the worst... it's a wave and a particle...

Grand Lodge

"Quantum Dogs" sounds like the Hounds of Tindalos.

Elmdorprime wrote:
Maybe it's secretly a Small goblin in a Large goblin suit?

Maybe it's a Diminutive goblin inside a Small goblin suit inside a Large goblin suit?

Oh! Oh! Oh!

Maybe it's a quantum-sized goblin inside nested suits, culminating in a Large goblin suit. Hence the need for a quantum dogslicer...

Yep. That checks out.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
RakeleerRR wrote:
"Quantum Dogs" sounds like the Hounds of Tindalos.

Or like the name of a gang from one of those really bad 80s post-apocalyptic scifi movies...

...I'm getting leather jackets made now. Quantum Dogs gonna ride!

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
The Internet, Circa 1998 wrote:
RakeleerRR wrote:
"Quantum Dogs" sounds like the Hounds of Tindalos.

Or like the name of a gang from one of those really bad 80s post-apocalyptic scifi movies...

...I'm getting leather jackets made now. Quantum Dogs gonna ride!

For that matter, Space Goblins might work for that too.

There's only one way for the Quantum Dogs and the Space Goblins to settle their space differences...

Galactic dance off!

David knott 242 wrote:

I am still wondering what magical effect made a normally size Small goblin Large.

In Pathfinder really well fed and old goblins become Medium sized, it's possible that really super old and well fed space goblins become Large sized.

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