Enchanting a weapon with Bless Water

Rules Questions

I'm playing a cleric in my most recent campaign and was idly wondering if I could enchant a dagger (or starknife since it's my god's favored weapon) with the spell Bless Water so I can dip the blade into a pint of water and instantly turn it into Holy Water. Is this possible? If so, what would that look like? Why kind of numbers would I be dealing with?

Bao Hadir wrote:
I'm playing a cleric in my most recent campaign and was idly wondering if I could enchant a dagger (or starknife since it's my god's favored weapon) with the spell Bless Water so I can dip the blade into a pint of water and instantly turn it into Holy Water. Is this possible? If so, what would that look like? Why kind of numbers would I be dealing with?

If your GM is fine with it, you can make a custom magic item. Say, a Command activated item that casts bless water.

Base cost would be spell level x caster level x 1800gp. That would be 1x1x1800 = 1800gp to buy. However, as the spell has a costly component (25gp of silver dust) and the item is unlimited use, you need to include 100x that component cost, or an additional 2500 gp. The final price to buy would therefore be 4300gp.

Normally, making an item yourself is half price. But that only applies to the base cost, not the cost of those 100x components - those are additional and not halved. Making it yourself would cost Base cost 1800/2 = 900 + 2500 component cost = 3400gp.

To use the item, you could put it into the water to be blessed, then say the command word. Note that the spell only transforms 1 pint of water into holy water. It won't transform the whole thing if more than that (so no transforming an entire barrel at once).

With regards to the 'no mass quantities' bit, I expected as much and wouldn't want to break the game that badly (one could conceivably generate infinite gold using this tool but I intend only for personal use). As for the cost, it is much more reasonable than I expected. Once the campaign gets a bit further, I can craft my magic knife, then carry around holy water on a badolier and can easily refill my holy hand grenades using my knife and Create Water. Thanks a lot.

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To heck with that, a temple ought to enchant a fountain to do this and have an unlimited supply of holy water against undead.

Grand Lodge

This item sounds like it would be a great low-level quest reward. Some minor unique item crafted by a saint-equivalent servant of Iomedae in a town near the worldwound.

If I were the GM, it would be a silver ceremonial dagger - no sharpened edge, -4 to attack, bludgeoning - shaped like a miniature longsword, with images of the Inheritor and her many deeds sculpted into the handle, cross guard, and blade.

The dagger is placed in a vessel of water up to 1/2 gallon in volume. If a short prayer is breathed while the dagger is so immersed, positive energy is channeled into the water, consecrating it.

Once/week, when employed by a cleric or paladin of Iomedae, the dagger has a secondary effect - it consecrates the area around the vessel for a period of 24 hours. This concentrate effect cannot curse another holy site, but rather simply fails when within range of an altar or relic if another deity.

Grand Lodge

I further would not let you craft such an item unless you could demonstrate that there was a dire need for it, and that you had already been a faithful servant to Iomedae.

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I see no reason to restrict it to clerics/paladins of Iomedae. It's not like Her Trustfundedness has a monopoly on holy water. Why not leave the restriction off and encourage others to fight demons and undead for her righteous cause?

you know that holy water is use mainly against undead, so saying only iomedae can make it is a little exaggerated, especially since sarenrae hate undead and her disciple are the most likely to use it against undead, and like blahpers said, iomedae do not have a monopoly on holy water neither does sarenrae, so the restriction seem very arbitrary and very unjust

Grand Lodge

So substitute the deity of your choice. It was an example.

tchrman35 wrote:
So substitute the deity of your choice. It was an example.

Just chatting. Table variance and all that. : )

Grand Lodge

Anyway, my point last night, which I don't think I really communicated all that well, was that this item goes a little beyond what I would expect of an every-day let's-just-make-something item. It seems rare enough that it would be special. Jeraa gave you a good pricing guide. I just think it's more interesting to have to go searching for something like this, and that it would be more likely to be a gift from a specific deity than something someone just up-and-decided to make.

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