Starfinder Quick Reference Cards


The Exchange

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Someone suggested this type of stuff goes in the Homebrew forums, so here goes.
I made some condition cards so I don't have to look up a table and cross-reference 2 or more conditions every time someone gets Blinded. Seriously, like 5 conditions reference Flat-Footed, not to mention Blinded which ALSO mentions Prone.

  • Starfinder Condition Cards 3x5

  • Starfinder Condition Cards 4x6

    I also made some quick reference cards for ship combat with stunts, actions, and combat order, etc. to hand out to my players.

  • Starfinder Starship Role Cards

    As with all the stuff I have posted/will post, I welcome constructive criticism. If something doesn't work, isn't right, or is worded poorly, let me know and I'll fix it. Wizard or not, I am only human.

    All my Starfinder Resources

  • Quoting the Docs website:

    "You need permission."

    Can you make it public?

    Or should I just say please?

    The Exchange

    Patrick Newcarry wrote:

    Quoting the Docs website:

    "You need permission."

    Can you make it public?

    Or should I just say please?

    Derp. I'll actually share them all this time. I had a lot of things I made and forgot to hit SHARE LINK on them all.

    This is pretty amazing, it will help me out a lot. Thank you so much!!!!

    These are amazing! Thank you very much for these

    Many thanks

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