SheepishEidolon |

A psychic casts spells based on Intelligence, but their discipline can be based on Wisdom.
The prestige class mystic theurge can be based on wizard and cleric for starting relatively early. You can replace wizard by witch and / or cleric by druid, for example.
If you are not a spellcaster, there is usually no point in an Int score of 15 or higher. You can build something exotic like a duelist with Fox Style, Ironclad Logic and Master of Knowledge, but I guess you'd get a good share of your Int from a headband - and stop at a score of 20 or so.
Monks get a bit out of Wis, but can't afford to neglect their physical stats completely. Now you could base said duelist on monk, but then you have 5 ability scores to be kept high (everything beside Charisma).