Serpentfolk Spy

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well, I was thinking more of specialized schools because our gm has a homebrewed magic system where if I have that school on my wizard then I learned the appropriate magic for his system. TL;dr was trying to get fire and water as elemental schools for my wizard early on.

Is there some way to have a fire and ice wizard, sorcerer, arcanist, etc. I know that in pathfinder when you choose fire as a school you gotta give up on water, but I would like a fire/ice caster. any help is appreciated thank you.

Thanks avr and java man

It's kinda hard to describe them without using one thing as a staple. Warpstone. Basically, chaos manifested in a material form and as u can guess it effects on anything you use it for are completely random. To get straight to the point, the class im looking for utilizes this material in all of its technological inventions to produce powerful, albeit unstable inventions.

Are there any existent classes of Skaven other than dnd's grey seer. Like an eshin spy or mordul alchemist? Mostly looking for something geared towards Skryre, like a warlock engineer.

I'm wondering if there's some way to increase damage based on how fast I'm going. I already have wall running and I'm wondering if I would be able to get some damage boost for running up the wall then pushing off the ceiling down on to the enemy all while maintaining my momentum as that's kinda needed for wall running.

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Thank you ill take a look at them

Was wondering if there was a class that focuses on intelligence and wisdom or if each class just has one main stat?

thx ill look into all of these

Kaio ken: It is a technique that multiplies the user's ki for a "heart beat" - thus increasing their power and speed and enabling them to inflict serious damage to opponents who are considerably stronger than them with the use of the "godly ki". However, the downside of the Kaio-ken is that it takes a heavy toll on the user's body, making them more vulnerable to enemy attacks.

8 Gates: The Eight Gates are eight specific tenketsu on a person's Chakra Pathway System. They limit the overall flow of chakra within a person's body. The basis for the idea of the chakra gates comes from the body's limits on the functions within it. This makes the body much weaker, but it keeps the body from expiring too soon. By undergoing intense training, one can learn how to open these gates allowing the user to surpass their own physical limits at the cost of extreme damage to their own body.

I'll look more into kineticist thx for telling me

oh thx for telling me about burst of adrenaline im not a spellcaster but ill keep it in mind thats actually closer than i expected to get in the way of high risk high reward

thx for the advice ill keep it in mind but if you can find something closer to the examples I provided that would be great. I actually didn't know about furious finish and will probably use it thx.

I was wondering if there were any feats, magic effects, or class abilities that would give me the high-risk high-reward sorta feel when it comes to a temporary boost in physical attributes? I've looked through most the classes and feats and none of them really feel like they're that powerful and risky, some examples would be kaio ken from dragon ball z or the 8 gates from Naruto. any help would be appreciated.

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The gist he gave me, was find a way to make an NPC and we'll go from there. now obviously here is the tricky part. making the darn thing. I'm just wondering if there is a way to create life like a sort of Frankenstein thing but to where i can adjust the creature depending on my materials, caster level, and gold amount. I basically wanna make a person in the campaign if we were disregarding the terms PC and NPC, an at least somewhat customizable person. Now from what people have been telling me i have a couple options

A I make a construct
B I change class to either summoner or some other creature customizing class
C I have a 1on1 talk with my GM

now obviously i did C, and my GM doesn't like class changes so that leaves me with A, but im looking for more options. I understand that there arent that many I'm just asking if there is an option i haven't heard about.

im thinking more along the lines of some special spell or ritual to make them and by unique i mean like a vampire werewolf human or something like that.

thanks but I'm trying to make a living being with unique abilities rather than just a regular NPC to adventure with.

how do you combine threads?

do you guys have any suggestions? that might be close like a feat or feature from a class?

hmm ill keep those in mind. i guess that for now ill just have to adjust them to my needs and see if my gm is happy with that. If anybody has any better suggestions post it pls.

the NPCs I am trying to make are obviously gonna be unique and he isn't that experienced so what I'm trying to do is find some sort of ability that lets you create living intelligent beings that i can adjust depending on the resources I have.

well my gm wants me to atleast try to find a rule so thats what im wondering

No im looking for more of a create rather than an acquire. I'm playing a campaign where my goal is to take over the world and im looking to make a bodyguard sort. so what im trying to do is create npcs with unique traits. now obviously it sounds broken already, but its gonna be later game when i have the money and magic to create he/she/it. im asking if i can create life, but not really in a golem manner more like a frankenstein type.

Hi, I'm just wondering if this is possible because I'm doing a solo campaign and would like some people to adventure with. Obviously, my GM has yet to give me partners. I don't care if it's really hard to achieve I just want to know if its possible.

thx I get it now, not exactly what I wished for but hey gotta compromise

what would this similar thing be?

because I believe you cannot use str in your AC but given the circumstances wouldn't this call for str?

cuz it's not like I'm zooming around the room i'm physically stopping it with my strength

using my str instead of dex in this instance

I'm asking can i stop the blow with full force?

I'm not talking about small attacks like fists or club. I'm talking the big ones that would be hard not to see coming. like if an ogre uses his club on me, the club is so big it's not like its sneaking up on me and I find it hard to believe the only option to block such an attack would be to just dodge so wouldn't I be able to just hold it at bay. I mean what if i have to hold it at bay or risk my party dying.

given you would need a minimum strength in order to do this,

the attacks would have to be obvious though like if a club the size of yourself is going to crush you instead of having to go through saves or AC that you should just make a strength check to see if you can block it.

but I believe that if you have higher strength than the opposing enemy shouldn't you be able to block such attacks.

I understand that I won't be able to block all attacks using this method but it would be nice if I could block attacks that if blocked with hands wouldn't harm me too much. such as given enough strength i could block an ogre's punch.

I'm trying to build a stubborn unarmed character who would be able to block attacks like these given enough strength.

can you block attacks with your hands if you're able to? such as blocking unarmed strikes or bludgeoning weapons.