FLite Venture-Captain, California—Sacramento |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
The AoN spell search might be more useful:
PFS Legal Accursed GlareR: Channel a fell curse through your gaze.
PFS Legal Alaznist's Jinx: Inlfict the spell burn spellblight
PFS Legal Arcane Disruption: Make it difficult for others to cast arcane spells.
PFS Legal Beacon of Guilt: Cursed object highlights creatures that attempt to take it.
PFS Legal Befuddled Combatant: Curse a creautre to weaken the DCs of its abilities and deal minimum damage with its attacks
PFS Legal Bestow Curse: –6 to an ability score; –4 on attack rolls, saves, and checks; or 50% chance of losing each action.
PFS Legal Black MarkRY: Mark someone which makes them afraid of water and turns aquatic creatures against them.
PFS Legal Blindness/DeafnessY: Makes subject blinded or deafened.
PFS Legal Brand: Creates permanent brand on target creature.
PFS Legal Brand, Greater: As brand, but brand glows when near your holy symbol.
PFS Legal Conditional Curse: Bestow a curse that is difficult to remove without fulfilling the condition.
PFS Legal Covetous Urge: Target is compelled to steal valuable objects
PFS Legal Crafter's Curse: Subject takes –5 on Craft skill checks.
PFS Legal Cup of DustY: Causes a creature to become dehydrated.
PFS Legal Curse ItemR: Curse an object to make it flawed and prone to failure.
PFS Legal Curse of Befouled FortuneR: Target can't gain the benefit of any luck ability.
PFS Legal Curse of Burning Sleep: Creature catches fire the next time it sleeps for an hour.
PFS Legal Curse of Disgust: Target is sickened while viewing trigger.
PFS Legal Curse of Keeping: Curse a target with the inability to sell, barter, or give away any item they own.
PFS Legal Curse of the Outcast: Curse someone to rub people the wrong way.
PFS Legal Curse of Unexpected DeathR: Curse a creature with a chance of instant and unexpected death.
PFS Legal Curse, Major: As bestow curse, but harder to remove.
PFS Legal Cursed EarthM: Plants die, living creatures catch diseases, or dead creatures rise as zombies.
PFS Legal Cursed Treasure: Target object curses the next creature to touch it
PFS Legal Disfiguring TouchY: Target becomes disfigured.
PFS Legal Feast of AshesY: A target starves with an insatiable hunger.
PFS Legal Flexile Curse: Creature's armor and shield lose 1 AC and hardness/hour
PFS Legal Fury of the SunR: Curse the target with internal heatstroke.
PFS Legal Geas, Lesser: Commands subject of 7 HD or less.
PFS Legal Geas/Quest: As lesser geas, but affects any creature.
PFS Legal Hex Vulnerability: Reuse a hex on a specific target.
PFS Legal Ill OmenY: Target rolls twice for checks and attacks and uses worst roll.
PFS Legal Irregular Size: Creature's limb shrivels
PFS Legal Itching Curse: Creature takes -1 penalty to attack, saves, skill checks, and ability checks
PFS Legal Life of Crime: Permanently turn someone into a crazed criminal.
PFS Legal Lost Legacy: Target cannot leave a lasting impression on other creatures
PFS Legal Mark of Justice: Designates action that triggers curse on subject.
PFS Legal Mark of Obvious Ethics: Other creatures can determine the target’s alignment.
PFS Legal Mathematical Curse: Use the Path of Numbers to place a mathematical curse on someone.
PFS Legal Nature's Exile: Gives subject –10 on Survival checks.
PFS Legal Old Salt's CurseR: Permanently sicken someone, worse if target is on or in the water far from shore.
PFS Legal Open Book: Make it permanently easier to learn more about a target.
PFS Legal Oracle's Burden: Creature is affected by negative oracle's curse effects.
PFS Legal Pox of Rumors: Curse a creature to attract nasty rumonrs.
PFS Legal Puzzle Box: Target forgets how to use commonly used objects.
PFS Legal Reprobation: Marked target is shunned by your religion.
PFS Legal Rest Eternal: Dead creature cannot be revived.
PFS Legal Retributive Reparations: Creatures that take this item become cursed with fatigue.
PFS Legal Rotting Alliance: Creatures waste away while close to one another
PFS Legal Rune of Ruin: Curse a magic item, weakening it and causing its magical qualities to fail half of the time.
PFS Legal Spellcurse: Target takes 1d6 damage for each spell affecting it
PFS Legal Undine's CurseR: The target loses it’s body’s natural ability to breathe automatically.
PFS Legal Violent Accident: Curse a target to have a lethal accident in the near future
Aristophanes |
I would just search Archivesofnethys for "PFS legal", "Curse", and "Spells".
Thanks for that. Now what's confusing is that the Inquisitor orison "Brand" is listed in the archives as a curse, but it's not a curse in the prd nor in the APG. I have both the print and pdf versions. Then I go to the d20pfsrd, and it's got the "curse" descriptor, but mentions the Bestiary 2 as its scource. So now I'm really confused.
Aristophanes |
The AoN spell search might be more useful:
PFS Legal Brand: Creates permanent brand on target creature.
PFS Legal Brand, Greater: As brand, but brand glows when near your holy symbol.Jared Thaler wrote:Thank you. But same question: What PFS legal source describes "Brand" as a curse? Because it ain't the APG.
Murdock Mudeater |
The AoN spell search might be more useful:
did not noticed it could do this. Thank you, thank you. Very awesome.
Murdock Mudeater |
I'm making a hexcrafter magus as my next PFS character, and they get to add all spells with the "curse" descriptor to their spell list.
Is there a comprehensive list of curse spells useable in PFS? I haven't found one in the PFS forums.
Looked up this class. Says adds bestow curse, major curse, and all other 6th level or lower curse spells.
Unclear for PFS purposes if this grants access to race specific spells from ARG, since the ARG is rather adamant that those spells can only be taken by members of that race. Undine's Curse, for example, is Undine only.
SCPRedMage |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Unclear for PFS purposes if this grants access to race specific spells from ARG, since the ARG is rather adamant that those spells can only be taken by members of that race. Undine's Curse, for example, is Undine only.
Unless it explicitly lists the racial spell, no, it does not bypass the normal PFS racial requirements; even though the spell is added to your spell list, you can't actually take the spell unless you're of the associated race.
Murdock Mudeater |
Murdock Mudeater wrote:Unclear for PFS purposes if this grants access to race specific spells from ARG, since the ARG is rather adamant that those spells can only be taken by members of that race. Undine's Curse, for example, is Undine only.Unless it explicitly lists the racial spell, no, it does not bypass the normal PFS racial requirements; even though the spell is added to your spell list, you can't actually take the spell unless you're of the associated race.
Interesting. Thanks.