Mystic Theurge with a twist...


Owner - Red Bandana

So I've always been interested in the idea of a Divine/Divine Mystic Theurge setup... any thing official or would my best bet just to be to adapt the current rules..

i.e. Druid/Cleric type progression.


I am not aware of a prestige class that will allow you to do this. Best bet is just to take the Shaman class. Use the Half-elf, Half-Orc, or Human favored class bonuses to pick cleric spells 1 level below your highest spell level.

If your GM is okay with this, just use Mystic Theurge and choose a second divine class instead of the arcane class.

The Samsaran race and the Pathfinder Savant Prestige Class allow for building cross-class spell lists, if that's the goal.

Gestalt would allow you to do this pretty easily.

Owner - Red Bandana

Idea was for cross class spells. Gestalt is a good point, though not sure the GM will let us swing that progression. I'll take a look at BadBirds suggestions or failing that see if maybe the Divine/Divine MT will work.

Shamans can swing a lot of cross-class spells between a spirit, wandering spirits, favored class bonus and maybe the arcane enlightenment hex. The fluff and their own list are somewhere between druid and cleric too. If that's not enough you could also use the general means of adding spells to your list like samsaran MPL or pathfinder savant as mentioned above.

Silver Crusade

The Speaker for the Past Shaman archetype gives you more spell options as well, plus revelations.

Overall, Shamans are very versatile spell casters. They can also be reasonable melee combatants, if you choose to go that route.

Shamans with Battle Spirit are actually among the most dangerous of divine casters in melee, primarily because of Enemies' Bane.

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