Throwing PC's Around


So I am working on my first campaign as GM. I am trying to create a NPC who can throw the PC's around, literally. I'm thinking of a Luke Cage type of character that throws PC's into walls, each other, off things ect. Is there any written rules or feats I should be looking into or should I just Rule of Cool it and improvise some saving throws or something?

Combat Maneuvers still exist. So the feat Improved Combat Maneuvers would be best.

What CM would throw the character around?

{Deleted due to "Starfinder" instead of "Pathfinder" suddenly appearing in the thread path. :-)}

look into Bull catcher style see if that is close.

PDXCerealKilla wrote:
What CM would throw the character around?

Bull Rush could be flavored to minic someone being thrown.

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Just make one up. NPCs don't have to follow the same rules as PCs.

Or just make an attack that requires a saving throw or be thrown X feet and the PC takes damage if they hit something other than the floor. Say a d6 per APL, and if it hits another creature, that creature has to make a reflex save or take half damage.

Then you can roll a d8 for direction and a d10 (x5) for distance.

bookrat wrote:

Just make one up. NPCs don't have to follow the same rules as PCs.

Or just make an attack that requires a saving throw or be thrown X feet and the PC takes damage if they hit something other than the floor. Say a d6 per APL, and if it hits another creature, that creature has to make a reflex save or take half damage.

Then you can roll a d8 for direction and a d10 (x5) for distance.

I like that, thanks!

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