Qui Gan Dalf |
Rather than begin an entirely new thread, this one seemed like a logical one to revive and continue in order to share work I've done, so far, to integrate some d20 Modern Dark*Matter to Starfinder.
I call my campaign the Gapwatch (yes, it's a play on the notorious group of heroes for any M:TG players in the audience), but the resemblances pretty much end there.
The premise is a conspiracy themed campaign. The Gapwatch is a cross between the X-Files' Lone Gunmen and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Rising Tide. I am trying to work within the sandbox created by Paizo's writers, despite my difficulties suspending disbelief with regard to the Gap and its monumental implications far beyond those given in the Core Rulebook. So, the Gap becomes the conspiracy to end all conspiracies, and the characters start the campaign wanting to know what the powers that be aren't telling everyone about it.
The part of all this that may be of some use to any of you with similar interests is the rewrite that I did of the Hoffmann Institute chapters of the Dark*Matter sourcebook. I didn't make the information generally available, since it does pretty much follow the text of those chapters word-for-word, replacing relevant bits with Starfinder-specific references. I've gathered the information into a Google Site that I use for my campaign with my players accessible via the following link.
Umbral Reaver |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Oh hey, this thread is alive again. Mechfinder is finished, just needing testing and some filling out with pre-built mech profiles and stuff.
In other news, I'm working on the VOIDWITCH, a debuff-focused class that gathers power by manifesting 'motes' (minor debuff effects) and consumes all manifested motes to unleash a powerful final attack. It is more powerful the more motes it consumes in doing so. Watch out for a voidwitch filling the battlefield with these 'harmless' fragments of oblivion. :P
Philosophically, voidwitches are fundamentally opposed to solarians. While solarians believe in a cyclical cosmos, voidwitches draw their power from the dread inevitability of heat death. It'll be a long, long time before we see which school of thought is right, but in the meantime voidwitches make solarians deeply uncomfortable, often on a spiritual level.
Voidwitches are not always evil, despite their nihilistic power source. Some seek the powers of the void simply for their own gain, while others aim to do as much good as they can before the universe draws to a close.
Magog |
Stewart Perkins wrote:Im heavily considering using the shadowrun setting (from the game shadowrun) using starfinder for the rules. Much of it works as is (minus races) but need a good orc and troll race (the pathfinder orcs might work fine but the trolls will not, they'd be more akin to ogres statistically). So that's something. Need to look over the hacking rules for that as well as some of the magic stuff to see if there's anything I feel needs imported or tacked on. Most likely I won't though. Might need some new themes or some new flavoring of classes but otherwise I think it'll be an interesting thing to try.Sub the Vesk stats in for your Trolls. Give your Half-Orcs full Ferocity and +2 Str and -2 Int for the stat adjust, so they are Orcs.
I too have been thinking of running a Shadowrun-inspired campaign. Probably nothing so overt as reskinning races, but definitely street level mission based stuff.
Either that, or something 40kish with Hellknight space marines and high tech Osirians. I dunno, one extreme or the other!
The Cyber Mage |
Oh hey, this thread is alive again. Mechfinder is finished, just needing testing and some filling out with pre-built mech profiles and stuff.
In other news, I'm working on the VOIDWITCH, a debuff-focused class that gathers power by manifesting 'motes' (minor debuff effects) and consumes all manifested motes to unleash a powerful final attack. It is more powerful the more motes it consumes in doing so. Watch out for a voidwitch filling the battlefield with these 'harmless' fragments of oblivion. :P
Philosophically, voidwitches are fundamentally opposed to solarians. While solarians believe in a cyclical cosmos, voidwitches draw their power from the dread inevitability of heat death. It'll be a long, long time before we see which school of thought is right, but in the meantime voidwitches make solarians deeply uncomfortable, often on a spiritual level.
Voidwitches are not always evil, despite their nihilistic power source. Some seek the powers of the void simply for their own gain, while others aim to do as much good as they can before the universe draws to a close.
That's a really cool concept for a class and meshes well with what the existing fluff. Also the class sounds really cool mechanically.
I've been working on boosting the power armor. Mostly this involves adding later "Marks" of existing power armor to provide a progression where one can use the same basic chassis, but with better base-line stats, but also adding a few new ones in as well. I'm also adding a new theme and archetype to go along with it. Here is the archetype if anyone is interested.
For some warriors only the most advanced armor will do. These machine warriors push the limits of technology, utilizing powered armor to become one person armies. They are able to out last and out gun average powered armor users.
Most machine warriors are soldiers or mechanics, their natural talents lending them to the role. More militant technomancers and mystics may pick up the path, augmenting their magical prowess with solid fire power and ironclad defense. Envoys acting as military commanders may take up these talents to better lead from the front. Operatives and solarians are the least likely to follow the path of the machine warrior as their natural talents tend to clash with powered armor.
Iron Skin (Ex) 2nd Level
Gain Proficiency with Heavy Armor. If you already have it or later would gain it from another source, you gain Diehard as a bonus feat while wearing Heavy or Powered Armor
Hard Point (Ex) 4th Level
Heavy armor you wear gains a single weapon mount as per powered armor. Powered Armor you wear gains 1 additional weapon mount over it's listed number.
Iron Giant (Ex) 6th Level
You gain proficiency in Powered Armor. If you already have it or later would gain it from another source, any powered armor you wear increases its capacity by 50%. The armor still charges as if it had it's original capacity.
Threat Tracking System (Ex) 9th Level
Your armor systems now come with a tracking VI system that controls a small turret mounted in your armor allowing snap reactions to threats around you. When equipping weapons to your weapon slots, you may have 1 existing slot equipped with a free small arm of a level equal to or lower than your own. Additionally, you may make Attacks of Opportunities with that small arm as if it was a melee weapon with the reach property, although you still consume ammunition when making this attack. You do not provoke when using this weapon to make attacks of opportunity.
Multilock Targetting Array (Ex) 12th Level
When performing a full attack with weapons mounted to your armor you gain a +1 insight bonus to attack rolls. Additionally, you can spend 1 Resolve to use a single unwieldy weapon mounted on your armor as part of a full attack. You still cannot fire that weapon more than once during the attack.
System Overload (Ex) 18th Level
Once per day you can overload your power armor as a standard action releasing a wave of electrical energy. All creatures within 20 feet of you take 12d6 electrical damage. Creature affected can make a Reflex save (DC 10+1/2 your level+key ability score) to take half damage. Constructs with the technological keyword that fail their save are stunned for 1d4. Any technological devices carried by a creature that failed its save or any unattended technological devices within the radius cease functioning for 1d4 rounds. Your armor is treated as having 0 charges remaining and cannot be recharged until you spend 10 minutes to repair it. You may exit your armor as a swift action after performing this attack.
Abraham spalding |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
It drove me crazy that if I wanted a shotgun toting dwarf I had so many levels between better gear.
And no underbarrel grenade launcher? In fact I want lightning spewing guns, and Sonic wobblers that hit a cone... Cryo weapons that entangle you in a layer of ice...
So I make a system for developing such.
Next I am going to revamp the light and heavy armor because it's video game +1 chasing bad right now.
Richard Redmane |
Homebrewing projects on my docket:
- I have the rough outlines for potentially two settings that either supplement or completely ignore the Pact Worlds setting. Both of these are on hold at the moment as I need to discuss things with my current group first.
- While nothing has been written yet, I am toying with whipping up a bio-tech/medic counterpart to the Mechanic. Sort of the tech-user's answer to the Mystic. Was hitting a wall with the class conceptually but I think I may be able to get started soon now that I started rethinking my approach.
Losobal |
Megaship construction.
basically, its taking larger ships in terms of 'multiple dreadnoughts'. Each ship is generally required to be the same level, and must spend the same points on general mechanics equal to its other ship sections. So each section has the same points in engines, shields, etc.
Generally each section has 3 arcs it can be attacked from and 1 that it cannot (because its covered by the mass of another ship section). It generally can't have a weapon in that same 'invulnerable' arc either.
Side benefits, shields for that section are divided by 3 arcs rather than 4. So slightly tankier than a normal ship with same class shields.
You are not required to spend the same amount on weapons, or do the same things with expansion slots in each section. But an individual section must still be able to power its own energy requirements.
In combat it acts as 1 ship in terms of piloting, but can have its own actions for engineering/science/gunnery. (so a ship with 4 sections gets 1 pilot check and multiple other checks potentially). As long as one section remains operational they can still make pilot checks as normal (basically another section takes over responsibility, but they still overall only get 1 pilot check a round total for all sections)
A combatant must decide which section of the megaship they're attacking, arc invulnerability comes into play in this case. Wrecking or even destroying a section only impacts that section but the megaship is not truly wrecked/destroyed until all sections are in that state. so you have to basically batter them down to get them to stop.
some other things include normal rules for capital weapons, heavy weapon turrets now only provide 3 arc coverage instead of all 4, and light turrets are unaffected (have normal full coverage).
The abovementioned 'must have same points invested' for things like engines/shields/drift are meant as a stopgap to prevent too lopsided sections, but the freedom to use your expansion bays as needed (including add another power core), lets you flirt more with hangar bays or heavier guns/shields.
2 sections can give you a nice Star Destroyer, 4 or 5 can give you a Super star destroyer expy.
I've also intended this to be used to represent starbase sections if taken on a larger scale. Think 4 megaships of 4-sections each representing the defensive wings of a starbase. it can't move or really change facing, but can reflect why you'd need a larger fleet to attack 1 military grade starbase.
Loosely speaking I'd say a megaship wouldn't come into play until at least CR 15. Calculating CR would be potentially based on the 'additional numbers of participants' for monster CR calculations.
A CR 15 could be 2 CR 13 sections, or 4 CR 11s. CR could exceed 20 if you wanted to slap multisection CR 20 sections together. Points for each section based on their CR.