Augmented Gearsman

Ryuu-Okami's page

34 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


How do you figure out the str of a Walker vehicle for use of melee weapons?

I'm interested in finding out more about the new Mechanic Options and if they added the option for large-sized mechs for small pilots?

I'm interested in knowing about the new Mechanic Options and if they added the option for large-sized mechs for small pilots?

I would like to see some sort of mech drone chassis for Mechanics.
Maybe a large-sized frame for small characters.

If someone has made a basic mech char. Sheet it would great if they could share it, please.

Tacticslion wrote:
Dot-bump! Interested!

I'll try to get this updated after I get back from vacation.

This is wonderful. Looking forward to the Campaign Setting doc.

* Distress Call (Level 1-3)

Gamer Printshop
* Dead in Space

Dead in Space is a series of one-shot space horror modules designed for use with the Starfinder Roleplaying Game. Each adventure is designed for varying character levels to negotiate, all encounters include 3 difficulty levels designed for specific party levels. Full-color maps and deck plans are included in the product, and as add-on downloads for both printable and virtual tabletop ready use.

The Dice Decide:
Stygian Stars: PLANET DEATH (Level 1-5)

Nimor Starseeker wrote:

Legendary Planet has one. Think the series will go from Lv 1-20.

Ty, Jest picked them up. They look good.

So is there a way to edit my 1st post?

Part 2 of Future's Past is out.
Adventure a Week:
Future's Past: Paying Forward (level 2-3)
AAW also put out a few more mini adventures.
Star System Set: Querritix -- Trouble in the Nursery (Mini-Adventure)
Star System Set: Muinmos -- The Fate of SKL-167H (Mini-Adventure)

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Thought I would make a list of AP made for Starfinder. If you know of ones not listed please comment below.

Dark Suns:
* Incident at Absalom Station (Level 1-3)
* Temple of the Twelve (Level 3-5
* Splintered Worlds (Level 5-7)
* The Ruined Clouds (Level 7-9)

Adventure a Week:
Future’s Past:
* Edge Station (Level 1-2)

Star System Set:
* Salutian — Mien (Has a mini adventure in it)

Happy Gnome Publishing:
* Adventures in Absurdity (Level 1-3)
*A Starfinder Comedy (Level 4-6) (Kickstarter going now)

Rogue Genius Games:
Blood Space and Moon Dust (Level 1-?)

John Compton wrote:
Ryuu-Okami wrote:

Where do I find the rules for Avissa's withering fire ability?

Check the next column on that page. It's right above her art.

OMG, it would be right in front of my face... I wasted an hr looking for it!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Where do I find the rules for Avissa's withering fire ability?

Where can we find Mechafinder?

I think the joy of the 3 part is that they can make some high-level APs pick up where the regular 6 part APs leave off. As a GM I would like that so my players could reach level 20 and get to the capstone fun.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

No need to homebrew one.They are in the 3PP book Starfarers Companion by Rogue Genius Games. You can bet they are balanced as they were updated Owen's 3PP team.

One of my players asked me this question. "If I pick up a desk or create and thrown it. How far, how much can I lift/throw, how much damage will it deal?
Vesk: 8ft tall, 300lbs, STR 18 = +4 mod."

1) Looks like it would count as a club base damage unless I ruled that it does more damage... no big deal.
2) Lift is more problematic as it looks like he can only lift 90lb which does not seem right? Am I missing something?
3) Thoughts on range increments? Should I use 10ft per increment?

I am playing an eldritch archer Magus atm and was thinking of adding Kensai with a weapon finesse weapon so I could be good at ranged & melee that. For this, to work I was thinking of asking the GM to let me pick up a Arcana that will let me spell strike in melee again.

My question for you guys is... do you think I should just do it as a straight melee spellstrike from the magus class or would this be unbalanced.

Hubaris wrote:

Variant Multiclass (Sorcerer) for Aberrant or Ectoplasmic Bloodlines will increase your reach if thats allowed. There is also Lunging Spell Touch to bump your reach up a little more. I'm just about to begin playing one of my own in the next month so I can't really help too much; perhaps that will give you a stretchy hand up.

Also I know Infusion is a waste but look at the Aromatic Extract Discovery down the road, it is well worth it. My GM is allowing me to use it without Infusion, but only for spells that the Chirurgeon/Blighter allows.

Lunging Spell Touch might have to go on my feat least.

Some Random Dood wrote:
While it's not quite reach, what if you used a flying familiar to deliver the spell? Maybe the lunge feat would help? But that's not available until 9th lv, and only gives you another 5 feet.

I'm using a valet monkey familiar with Poisoner Gloves.

I might have to see about getting Reaching Vines as it adds 10ft reach. With Lunging spell touch that gives me a 15' reach.

Moved over from General Discussion... I'm looking at an Alchemist(Chirurgeon/Wasteland Blightbreaker) as a healer. I'm not seeing much in the guides(none have been updated since Wasteland Blightbreaker was released). What should I have for this build? We're starting at level 7... No 3rd party.

I can see things that increase my reach would help with the swift touch heals. Besides spells that only last 1min/level I'm not seeing any good ways to increase reach.

I'm looking at an Alchemist(Chirurgeon/Wasteland Blightbreaker) as a healer. I'm not seeing much in the guides(none have been updated since Wasteland Blightbreaker was released). What should I have for this build. We're starting at level 7... No 3rd party.

I'm running my players through Skull & Shackles 2 - Raiders of the Fever Sea atm. My pirate captain player acquired the parrot Rotgut as his pet.
He asked "If I attempt to Intimidate and Rotgut mimics a part of what I threaten with. Would I gain a small Circumstance bonus with that? As small as a +1 or even a +1/2 (If we tie I still win). Examples being "You look like you can fit in my Deathsack". "Awk! Deathsack". or "I'm going to start sawing off your fingers if you don't tell me where the treasure is". "Awk! Saw his fingers off"."
What are your thoughts about giving him the bonus? would it be overpowered?

Is there android app out there that has a good inventory tracker for pathfinder? Something with a drag down bar item database in it. Kinda like "Squire" does for 5th ed D&D.

Is there any way to use a Plasma Blade(Hell's Rebels 4 - A Song of Silver pg 105) with monk abilities? It is a one-handed exotic melee weapon.

Drop Dead Studios wrote:

Everyone wants something different from a campaign setting, and we are trying to meet all of those needs. The first two Skybourne books are out and they're both very heavy on crunch: The Player's Guide to Skybourne is almost exclusively dedicated to airship crew rules, new skills, new races, new class options, and all of that, while Ships of Skybourne is practically pure vehicle-creation crunch and sample vehicles, including land, sea, and air vessels.

Our next two books are a city guide and a GM's guide for running the world, but after that...?

I'm wondering what people want to see from us for this line, not just from people who've already bought the first two books, but just generally what sort of things interest people about a new world.

We could keep expanding player options, we could do lore and history for all the different peoples and adventuring regions, we could do a book dedicated to space and planar travel that we'll do our best to make Starfinder compatible, or we could even do another expansion of the vehicle rules (we already introduced mecha/powered armor piloting in Ships of SKybourne, after all, so why not run with it?)

I personally feel we need more stuff to expand the setting. Lore & History would be nice. Would also love a book dedicated to space & planar travel as it pertains to Skybourne. If you do more player options have them really airship based! Because we're all into this for the airships!!!

Drop Dead Studios wrote:

Vigilantes of Skybourne and The Luchador have been the first non-Spheres of Power or Skybourne products we've printed in a while (technically the vigilante book is Skybourne, but they're also pretty setting-neutral).

Just looking for general feedback; how do they work? And would you like to see more products like these from us, or should we go back to the SoP saltmines?

I can't say much about The Luchador as I've not looked at it. That said love what you did with Vigilantes of Skybourne... The Shrouded Captain & Sky Marine are my favorite stuff in this book. I'm eating up anything that has a link to Skybourne atm. Love where you are going with this setting. Atm I'm ramping up to run a airship pirate game set in Skybourne. I'm modifying the Skull & Shackles adventure path for this. Would love to see more archetypes that expand on airship use...

On a unrelated note will there be random encounter chart in Woodfaring Adventures for air based encounters? I'm having to custom write one up as I've not been able to find one yet.

derpdidruid wrote:
Appropriately leveled strix would be pretty okay. Maybe give them some extra abilities and a few monstrous hit dice.

Sounds like a good plan. I think I'm going to add some Giant Vampire Bats as well.

VRMH wrote:
There's a list of wagons here. Combining one with an Alchemist's Lab should do the trick.

Ty GM decided on using a Carriage and adding a Alchemist's lab to it.

I'm looking to buy Vardo, or gypsy stye wagon that I can buy for my wondering alchemist merchant. Any ideas where I would need to look for one.

So I'm running the Skull & Shackles adventure arc with airships & all the islands are floating land masses. What do you think wound make a good air based substitute for sahuagin in Skull & Shackles 2 - Raiders of the Fever Sea.

So I'm running the Skull & Shackles adventure arc with airships & all the islands are floating land masses. What do you think wound make a good air based substitute for sahuagin in Skull & Shackles 2 - Raiders of the Fever Sea.

I personally like how crunchy the skybourne books are. Makes me feel Like I'm getting my moneys worth.
I would like to see more adventures. A linear arc would be really nice. A adventure arc would also explore some of the setting fluff as the players went to new places & explored the world. Set it up with the option of using the Spheres of Power books & not as to hit a larger audience.