Kasathan mouths: ok, but...

General Discussion

We know that kasathas have a cultural taboo against showing their mouths. According to pathfinder, this has been true for millennia.
It is a very flavorful cultural quirk, and I appreciate the resulting aesthetic.

But... have we ever seen what their mouths actually look like? Are they humanlike? Or are they more alien? Is there a picture somewhere in some pathfinder (or starfinder!) book?

We've seen their skeletons so we know they have normal humanoid teeth and jaws. So it's safe to say their mouths are horizontal slits.

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Still I would love to see a few kasatha without mouth cover

and one of my players as i know him wants pictures of scantily clad kasatha females but thats another story

IonutRO wrote:
We've seen their skeletons so we know they have normal humanoid teeth and jaws. So it's safe to say their mouths are horizontal slits.

Thanks! Where? EDIT: oh I see, Iron Gods, of course. here's the picture.

Seisho wrote:
Still I would love to see a few kasatha without mouth cover

Yeah, and not just because it might be that the fleshy parts are not 100% humanlike.

Still, now that according to starfinder they have a common ancestor with shobhads (since they hare related to witchwyrds who are related to shobhads) and we know that shobhads have fairly standard humanoid mouths I guess they aren't terribly exotic either.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Seisho wrote:

Still I would love to see a few kasatha without mouth cover

and one of my players as i know him wants pictures of scantily clad kasatha females but thats another story

So, what, kasatha strippers would be totally naked save for an alluring veil over their mouth?

Sounds like something out of a Dave Allen routine. :P

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