Starting Languages for Half-Humans

Pathfinder Society


The PFS guide says that "Half-human characters (aasimars, ganzi, half-elves, half-orcs, ifrits, oreads, sulis, sylphs, tieflings, and undines) can choose a modern human language instead of the language of their nonhuman heritage. If they do not normally start with a language associated with their nonhuman heritage, they may still choose a modern human language."

Two questions on this:

1) What is meant by "normally"? That is, if I lose the nonhuman language due to a trait like "Scion of Humanity" or "Mostly Human", do I get a modern human language (to represent the people I grew up with)? Or is that not considered "normally" since it is an alternative racial trait?

2) If the answer to '1' allows a modern human language to a character with such a trait, and I had a character with one of those traits prior to Season 8 when that rule came out, can he be granted such a language retroactively (or choose an alternate language choice for a linguistics rank he may have previously taken to gain said language)? Is the answer impacted by whether or not the character has already been played since
Season 8 began?

Thank you!

Grand Lodge 4/5 **** Developer

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1) Those traits are exactly what "if they do not normally" is intended to cover. Characters with Scion of Humanity, Mostly Human, or other such traits do get to choose a modern human language.
2) Yes, your character would get that language retroactively. If you took a rank in Linguistics to get the language, you can either change the language that the rank grants or retrain the rank in to a different skill.

Scarab Sages 5/5

Also, Ganzi doesn't start with a racial language.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

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"Half-Breed" has some negative connotations and I have updated the thread title to "Half-Humans".

Silver Crusade 1/5 Contributor

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Tallow wrote:
Also, Ganzi doesn't start with a racial language.

They do in PFS. It's part of the language on the Child of Chaos boon.

Sovereign Court 5/5

Kalindlara wrote:
Tallow wrote:
Also, Ganzi doesn't start with a racial language.
They do in PFS. It's part of the language on the Child of Chaos boon.

Re-ea-lly!? Ah-eye will ha-ave to-oo che-eck mah-eye bir-irth certifi-icate!


(If I'm wrong, let me know... it's been a while, and I may be getting it confused with another source. Also, both of mine are on tiefling boons - maybe it's different on the aasimar boon.)

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