AFKhaos |

So it is my understanding that a magus who is wearing a buckler uses spell combat it will not benefit from the buckler's shield bonus to it's AC. So I was curious about the wording on this spell.
So for purposes of "interposing between the wielder and the spell effect" would not benefiting from it's shield bonus through spell combat and the like hinder you from interposing your buckler? And if not what exactly would prevent someone from just having SR all the time?

LoBandolerPi |

So it is my understanding that a magus who is wearing a buckler uses spell combat it will not benefit from the buckler's shield bonus to it's AC. So I was curious about the wording on this spell.
** spoiler omitted **
So for purposes of "interposing between the wielder and the spell effect" would not benefiting from it's shield bonus through spell combat and the like hinder you from interposing your buckler? And if not what exactly would prevent someone from just having SR all the time?
Hi, I was considering exactly the same thing. I was hoping to find a general opinion about that in the forum, not the same question.
I guess you can not benefit from de spell's SR if you can not benefit from the AC bonus. And you were right, you can not if you use that hand to cast a spell or TWF.