[Amora Game] Xeno Files series

Third-Party Starfinder Products

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I posted this under PF compatible open call, but I'll share here in case it was missed.

Amora Game is looking for authors/designers for our monthly Xeno File series.
Project Length: 3,000 words
Pay Rate: Crappy. $50 flat rate paid on accepted post-edited project. ($0.016 per word)
Additional details: Xeno File will be a monthly PDF designed to EXPAND upon Starfinder Roleplaying Game experience and produce material to be compatible with Starjammer.
Taking a salute to a penny dreadful and monthly pulp comics, Xeno Files will introduce races, organizations, adventure scenarios, and worlds to explore and incorporate into your Sci-Fi games for pocket change. Send us your pitch if you have an idea in mind.
Respond by: August 31 - ongoing (open) AmoraGame at google based mail system

Cover of Issue 1, can be seen here on our facebook.

Writers that have signed on for the project:
Chance Phillips
Dave & Beth Breitmaier

several more to come.
Please give me them a warm welcome.

Looking forward to seeing what your team puts out!

Do you think after a few releases you could collect them into a print on demand?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The plan so far is to do a yearly print.
But it might be every 6 months we will do a previous 6 month POD compilation.
Ie Feb 2018 would be issues 1-6. August 2018 would be issues 7-12.

EDIT: Issue 1 should be available once the Paizo staff gets back from GenCon and sends it through the servers.
It is available currently on DrivethruRpg and RpgNow.

Amora Game wrote:

EDIT: Issue 1 should be available once the Paizo staff gets back from GenCon and sends it through the servers.

It is available currently on DrivethruRpg and RpgNow.

Link @ RPGNow

Now here on the Paizo. .

Xeno Files Issue 2

  • Setting Neutral Feature: Dyson Alehouse by Chance Phillips
    Massive neon signs saying Dyson Alehouse and “The Best Tavern Everywhere Since [Unintelligible]” .....resembles a Western saloon coated with chrome and ......Antennae, fluorescent lights, and docking stations scatter the exterior of the building......

  • Starfinder Compatible (Amora Game IP): Goddess Daji
    We learn more about the goddess of the dimension hopping Umvee.

  • Starfinder Compatible (Open Source): Symbiotes and You

Set to be on sale September 15

Not too important, but I was wondering what the cover would be for the PoD compilation if you make it. Would it be one of the covers for an individual issue, a new piece, or something else?

Since the art for the coming covers are pretty busy and crowded, it would probably be a new piece of art. . . Maybe, but most likely.

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