Looking for a GM to run a crazy game(details within)


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I realize this is probably quite the long shot, but

Would any GM be willing to run a game where the PCs are unique creatures created via the Talented Bestiary rules?

I'm open to it being any sort of game, more or less. Just really wanna mess around with the ruleset and have some fun playing something a bit crazy.

Silver Crusade

Interesting. Stopped by here to apply for the Flaxseed Lodge and I find this. As one of the backers of the project, I have been waiting for the perfect opportunity to use the Talented Bestiary and to witness it being used in turn.

I am willing to run a 20 room dungeon crawl. After that, I might be up for running something longer and more substantial from a story perspective... completely separate of course.

I am going for the AD&D approach to 'story' for this game: mad wizard in a stalactite tower creates strange magical creations, keeps them in forcecages, summons a succubus for 'research purposes', gets more than he bargained for when she murders him, force fields dissipate, all hell breaks loose. Only difference is, this time, 5 beasties intelligent enough to band together despite possibly being mindless (don't think too hard about how)will try to escape with their hides/protoplasmic sheathes/whatever they have intact.

Character creation would be relatively simple, with each PC designing a classless CR10 creature using the established guidelines within the book. No gold, just pure beastiness. I do not expect things to be even anywhere near realistic. You could play a tiny creature with a massive strength score or a mindless ooze that somehow knows how to communicate and make cute burbling sounds. Just make something interesting that can be explained by the rules. I don't find twelve-armed monsters composed entirely of iron muscle to be interesting.

Should I go ahead and create the recruitment? Or does someone else want to take up the torch?

Ooh, this sounds interesting! I don't have the time to run it but if Faleyros runs it, I'll buy the book.

This would certainly be my kind of game to play in. :D

dotting to play :) love generating monsters

Does anyone know if there are herolab files for this?

Silver Crusade

I have no idea about herolab files, as I have never used the system for my sheets, myself. I suspect that, given the high production values, there might be some HL files somewhere.

I can look for the files for you in a little while, Seth86. Before I do that though, I need to finish my PFS paladin I was building and get the actual recruitment ready in case Monkeygod accepts my offer to GM.


I appreciate it. Past 2200 here. So I'm off to bed

Silver Crusade

Just checked before I started working on my paladin. There are no Hero Lab files that I can see, neither in the actual file folder, nor for sale on Paizo or Drivethrurpg.

That said, the system is pretty easy to utilize and has, in my opinion, less moving parts than building an actual PC. So it shouldn't be as burdensome to build and I know some good places for character sheets.

Okay thanks. Will have to see about getting the PDF then

Are you actually putting this up? I want to know the game is coming before buying the PDF.

Silver Crusade

Yes, the game will be posted soon. I was waiting on our fine simian host to give the greenlight, but I probably should have assumed that I needed no greenlight to post the thread.

Here are some things to whet your appetite as I type the recruitment.

(Game Name) Talented Beasts and Where to Find Them.

(Leveling) Every two fights, your group absorbs enough 'essence' to advance a CR. You can 'store' some of your points you get from that for later levels.

(Starting level) CR10.

(Classes/Wealth) None, as this is a monster-building dungeon-crawl as opposed to a classical adventure.

(Spoiled Creature Name) Fuzzwhippet Swarm, which is far deadlier than it sounds.

Silver Crusade


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