Question about how often feats are acquired

General Discussion

Liberty's Edge

CRB character advancement, table 2-4, page 26 indicates a feat at every odd level beginning at 1.

Soldier advancement, table 4-9, page 111 indicates a combat feat at every even level beginning at 2.

RAW, this means a soldier will get a feat at every level, netting 10 feats and 10 combat feats, in addition to fighting styles, techniques and themes. Am I missing something? That seems like an incredible amount of power early on.

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Pretty much the same as a Pathfinder fighter isn't it?

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Xayl wrote:
Pretty much the same as a Pathfinder fighter isn't it?

I've not got my PDF yet, but what is described is exactly like the fighter in PF.

Bonus feats are nice, but not massively overwhelming.

Liberty's Edge

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I guess I never realized how many feats fighters took. Thank you for the comparison.

Sovereign Court

Freedom Snake wrote:
I guess I never realized how many feats fighters took. Thank you for the comparison.

You wouldn't know fighter feats because you are a snake murdering ranger

for what its worth, in Pathfinder the fighter is considered under powered by many for relying on feats as a main class feature. it can seem nice for the first few levels but drags behind pretty noticeably at mid to high levels. havent seen my copy of Starfinder yet so i cant say how that balance looks now.

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