Gen Con shopping lists?

Pathfinder Society

Silver Crusade 4/5

So with all the talk about Gen Con and shopping lists on the forums lately, I figured I'd combine the two into a single topic. Gen Con's vendor room is probably the biggest shopping area for gamers in the world (other than the internet). What are you planning to buy?

Personally, I have a few new PCs without appropriate minis. Also, some older PCs, because the ones I've been using minis that don't really look like them. For instance, I've been using a generic tribal green skinned orc guy for my half-orc pirate. He's green, but other than that, not really right.

So my list is:

1. Minis for my PCs, preferably prepainted plastic.
2. Faction pins from the Paizo booth. I bought 3 of them last year, for the factions where I have the most PCs, but I'll definitely buy at least 1 more (maybe all 4) this year.

I won't be purchasing the Starfinder rulebook at Gen Con. Since I couldn't get into a game at Gen Con since they sold out so quickly, I figured I can wait to buy it afterward. So I pre-ordered it from my local store, which has a special deal running on pre-orders for it. I believe in supporting local stores whenever possible, especially the ones that let us meet there to play every week.

I suspect I'll think of something else to add to the shopping list, but I can't think of what right now.

What's on everyone else's shopping list?

Grand Lodge 4/5

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I'll be picking up the new season t-shirts for myself and two local players. My VA has also asked for the Starfinder CRB. Beyond that, I don't have much planned.

1/5 5/5

I really hadn't given it much thought, as much of my weekend is going to be chewed up volunteering.

If something catches my eye, possibly buying some things, but beyond that...

...well, since AR probably won't be updated until well after GenCon, it'd be foolish to pick up any splats or books, because there won't be any guarantees that they'll be viable.

Second Seekers (Roheas) 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Appalachia

I plan on blowing my GM Credit cash on Star finder launch stuff - the maps and the like.

Unfortunately we don't board game as much as we used to, so we probably won't pick up a game of any sort unless a new party style game really catches my eye.

Other than that:

Big thing is the Scotty's Space Goblin T Shirt (supplies permitting) and probably for once the Season 9 shirt.

Gen Con Commerative Dice set from Crystal Caste

and I always have a small impulse buy budget

Grand Lodge 2/5

Let's see, our plans include upgrading our custom gaming table order to a bigger table, possibly with a tv built into it for displaying maps. We'll see how much of a budget we have left after that..

Shadow Lodge 4/5 *** Venture-Captain, Michigan—Mt. Pleasant

Let's see...

Starfinder maps and pawns probably.
Magus class deck
More faction pins to give away at lodge
Dice from Roll 4 initiative (they're cheap and really nice dice)
Card sleeves for ACG.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

I'm getting a bunch of stuff at FFG - the new L5R, any early release expansions for existing games I play, that sort of thing.

Picking up my Paizo subscriptions stuff - Starfinder, Dead Suns 1, the new Pathfinder rpg stuff, Magus class deck.

Going to see if GF9 actually has the expansions for Star Trek Ascension that were supposed to be out last fall. Also the new Doctor Who boardgame if they have it and it doesn't sell out in minutes.

I always run by Pinnacle to see if there's new Savage Worlds stuff.

Might pick up the new Star Trek rpg.

My wife will want to hit Cubicle 7 to see if there are new Doctor Who rpg books.

Stop by Cryptozoic to see if there's new stuff for the DC deckbuilder.

The new D&D deckbuilder looks interesting, certainly on the "maybe" list.

I do a lot of shopping at Gen Con. We save for about 6 months beforehand.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

There's a Scotties space goblin shirt? I may have to budget for that!

All my store credit is going to Starfinder and flip mats! I'm trying to leave some in the account to help cover subscriptions.


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