Starfinder Online Tabletop Support

General Discussion

I am wondering if there will be online support at FantasyGrounds and/or Roll20 for Starfinder soon after initial release? I like to leverage these platforms for both online and real life play. Most of my players are hyped up about it, so I would like to deliver.

Scarab Sages

Fantasy Grounds does have the license for Starfinder support but official support will not be available at launch. Having said that, the existing pathfinder ruleset looks like it will work with a few manual rolls and tracking. I've converted the First Contact creatures and have a screenshot at y-Games. Im hoping to run a Stafinder Society Game August 20 if all goes well.

I am not good at social skills so that is good news as I am hoping to find a group or two to play with on a virtual tabletop. Gencon will be a new experience for me as first time going to Gencon and also playing a tabletop rpg without anyone I know. I feel much more comfortable online as easier for people to ignore me. :D

Grand Lodge

If you are interested in Starfinder Society play, this might be a great place to check:

It's the Starfinder Society Discord Channel.

Come join us!

Venture Lieutenant, Online Play

Roll20 has a very robust pathfinder community. The Pathfinder sheet there is very nice. One of the members is developing Character sheets and support for Starfinder and it should be ready soon after release.

I appreciate the information personally. I like Pathfinder though experienced way too much min/max with little desire for roleplaying that when I lost my group, I stopped for the most part. Not saying that min/max is bad but that if only wanting to roll the dice then I could play something that is just that.

I will have easier time keeping up with owning all the books I need for Starfinder so hoping virtual tables allows me to have fun playing it. I did do the discord channel.

Any advice on virtual tables? I see Fantasy Grounds and Roll20 mentioned. Are those the two I should look at having most likely to play Starfinder online?

Roll20 is one of the biggest sources of online play I've found since you can actively look for groups/players if you don't know anyone. Be aware though that it'll probably take a couple of months before built-in Starfinder support (character sheets and stuff) are released.

Grand Lodge

If you are looking to play the Starfinder Society adventures, the discord channel listed above will link you up with other GMs and players, many of whom play on Roll20 or Fantasy Grounds.


President, SmiteWorks

Official Starfinder support is available for Fantasy Grounds. It's pretty new and evolving but it's proving to be very popular on our platform.

We also have the Alien Archive and Dead Suns 1 - 3 available already. You will also need a license or active subscription of Fantasy Grounds. Check the forums for other gamers.

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