Kineticist Mephit

Rules Questions

Dark Archive

Hi guys,

I would like to have a water kineticist character, and I really really want him to have a Water-Mephit as a familiar. I could snag a water wysp or water elemental through the Elemental Whispers utility wild talents, but not the mephit i want, so I'm looking for ways to get one. These are my 3 ideas so far:

The costly 4-feat chain of:
Iron Will
Familiar Bond
Greater Familiar Bond
Improved Familiar

Take a 1 level dip of a familiar-granting class. I would pick something thematically appropriate like a Aquatic or Water Element bloodline sorcerer, or a Sea Witch with a water Patron.

(It is my understanding that a character may not have 2 familiars, and that if something would grant a character a 2nd familiar, that the levels effectively stack.)
So taking the Elemental Whisper's utility wild talent after dipping in a familiar-granting class should then stack any kineticist levels onto the familiar.

Then just take Improved Familiar at lv 7 for my water mephit.

Now, I'm pretty sure that my GM would be willing to let me take one with Greater Elemental Whispers, maybe at a slightly increased level prerequisite since a Mephit improved familiar typically requires a 7th level character, and the 2 options provided by Greater Elemental Whispers typically require a 5th level character. But, I really want to explore the RAW-Legal methods at my disposal.

Can anyone give me some advice?


The levels only stack if the Familiar you want is on both lists.

But since it's a homegame, I'd think that'd be a reasonable houserule.

Dark Archive

Yeah, just a homegame so I'm sure I can work out something rational, but I am still going to try to find any legit methods I can propose first, before resorting to rule's that I'd need to bend.

Nefreet wrote:
The levels only stack if the Familiar you want is on both lists.

The only thing I'd seen on the topic was the quote from the familiar section that said:

"Levels of different classes that are entitled to familiars stack for the purpose of determining any familiar abilities that depend on the master's level."

Was there an FAQ or other source that said that the familiar had to be on both lists? The quote sounds like you just need to be entitled to a familiar.

Sovereign Court

Since the real RAW-approved way seem to be very costly and this is a very thematic choice for a kineticist, I think the most reasonable thing to do is to work with your GM.

Not too sure why they didn't include it officially. Maybe it should require to sacrifice something (I'm thinking 1 point of burn), for balance.

Could you do the Eldritch heritage arcana route?

That's 3 feats.

Dark Archive

Chromantic Durgon <3 wrote:

Could you do the Eldritch heritage arcana route?

That's 3 feats.

Oh! That's a good one. It'd take an extra 2 levels, because I'd have to wait till 9 instead of 7, but it might be worth it to save the feat or the level dip.

Thanks ^^

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