Disturbed1Smurf |

I'm trying to figure out "Psychopomp, Nosoi" 's skill ranks for Sage archetype.
Can someone help me figure out its sense motive Ranks?
http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/outsiders/psychopomp/psyc hopomp-nosoi
Sense Motive is a class skill for outsiders. so it should have +3 if there are any ranks. But it's wisdom is only a +1. So where does it get a +2 from?

Nixitur |
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Here's another annoying thing: Of the skills listed, Knowledge (Planes), Perception, Sense Motive and Stealth are class skills granted by the Outsider type. Outsiders have 4 extra class skills, of which are listed Fly, Knowledge (History) and Profession (Scribe).
This means that the Nosoi must have another class skill which we can't possibly know.
I would say that Linguistics fits its theme of an extraplanar scribe fairly well, but that's something to talk about with your GM.