I'm trying to figure out "Psychopomp, Nosoi" 's skill ranks for Sage archetype.

Rules Questions

I'm trying to figure out "Psychopomp, Nosoi" 's skill ranks for Sage archetype.
Can someone help me figure out its sense motive Ranks?
http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/outsiders/psychopomp/psyc hopomp-nosoi
Sense Motive is a class skill for outsiders. so it should have +3 if there are any ranks. But it's wisdom is only a +1. So where does it get a +2 from?

From his Alertness feat

Doh! thank you!

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No problem. I would say that figuring out skill ranks from stat blocks (for monster/NPC advancement or customization) is by far the most annoying thing that exists in all of pahtfinder!

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Here's another annoying thing: Of the skills listed, Knowledge (Planes), Perception, Sense Motive and Stealth are class skills granted by the Outsider type. Outsiders have 4 extra class skills, of which are listed Fly, Knowledge (History) and Profession (Scribe).
This means that the Nosoi must have another class skill which we can't possibly know.
I would say that Linguistics fits its theme of an extraplanar scribe fairly well, but that's something to talk about with your GM.

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