Half gestalt playstyle

Homebrew and House Rules

Scarab Sages

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I recently started a PbP campaign recruitment and I am using a style of gestalt that I thought up. It has no play testing yet and I though I'd throw it up on here to see that the good house rules people had to say.

Basically, instead of the normal gestalt, you take your gestalt levels at every even level.
This system would get very awkward with BaB and Saves though, so I decided that his system does not affect those stats.
So, you usually get a slightly higher skills or HP progression, more options, and even some casting for the martials or martial HD for casters.
You can check the recruitment Here for some initial discussion.

Choon wrote:

This system would get very awkward with BaB and Saves though, so I decided that his system does not affect those stats

Fractional BAB and Saves from Unchained would work.

Scarab Sages

They may, you're right. I haven't used that system in a game yet so I'm only paasingly familiar with it. Thanks for the reminder!

Grand Lodge

As would Saves from Prestige Classes.

....Anyway, as a DM who prefers Gestalt, I really like this idea. I will do some thinking on this and maybe take a lurk or two on your PbP.

Scarab Sages

I welcome all comers! It's Rappan Athuk so it should stress test the concept pretty well.

RA should stress test just about anything. ;) Keep us posted on how the system tests out.

Interesting idea. It seems like it would allow for some power combinations.

For an even lighter approach, try giving PCs variant multiclassing for free.

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