Spell Perfection - Just how many feats can it double?

Rules Questions

Spell Perfection has the ability to double the number effects of Feats that give the spell you have perfected a bonus.


Prerequisites: Spellcraft 15 ranks, at least three metamagic feats.

Benefit: Pick one spell which you have the ability to cast. Whenever you cast that spell you may apply any one metamagic feat you have to that spell without affecting its level or casting time, as long as the total modified level of the spell does not use a spell slot above 9th level. In addition, if you have other feats which allow you to apply a set numerical bonus to any aspect of this spell (such as Spell Focus, Spell Penetration, Weapon Focus [ray], and so on), double the bonus granted by that feat when applied to this spell.

I started to wonder just how far does this go.

If you Cast Battering Blast PFSRD and apply Toppling Spell Metamagic PFSRD and Intensified Spell PFSRD and Tenebrous Spell PFSRD and Empowered Spell PFSRD to it, And you had Improved Bullrush, Improved Trip and Point Blank Shot feats would the following occur? -

1) Add +4 (2x +2) to the Bullrush CMB for Battering Blast Bullrush

2) Add +4 (2x +2) to the Trip CMB caused by the Toppling Spell, using Improved Trip

3) increase the max damage Dice per blast from 5d6 up to 15d6 (+5 damage dice x2).

4) increase the bonus damage from Empower from 50% up to 100% (2 x 50%)

5) Point Blank would give +2 to Attack and Damage.

6) When casting in poor light add +2 to the Caster Level and -4 on attempts to dispel it (Tenebrous Spell)

7) Cast the spell 2 additional times that day, rather than the one that Echoing spell normally gives?

My take is
1) Yes
2) Yes
3) Yes
4) 50/50
5) Yes
6) Yes
7) Probably not but far from certain.


The 50% from empower is not a bonus. Bonuses are things like the weapon focus.

Echoing spell is also not a bonus. It is additional castings.

The others seem to work and that makes the feat better than I thought it was.

i would also think that intensified is not a bonus since it let a spell go to 5 caster level higher for numerical variable, if you are 1 level higher than the normal max you have 1 more dice

John Murdock wrote:
i would also think that intensified is not a bonus since it let a spell go to 5 caster level higher for numerical variable, if you are 1 level higher than the normal max you have 1 more dice

"An intensified spell increases the maximum number of damage dice by 5 levels. "

Not quite what you said. For example Vampiric Touch increases damage dice 1/2 levels.

I just came across another feat that is on the borderline.

Metamagic Mastery -

Benefit: Choose one metamagic feat that you already know. The level cost of that metamagic feat is reduced by one (to a minimum of +1). For example, using Metamagic Mastery on the Maximize Spell feat would allow you to cast a maximized fireball as a 5th level spell, instead of the normal 6th level spell slot it would take (+2 spell levels instead of +3 spell levels).

So if I applied that to Echoing Metamagic (+3 levels) and then put Echoing on a Spell Perfection Spell would the level adjustment drop from +3 down to +1 -
3 - (1 x 2)?

Stephen Ede wrote:
John Murdock wrote:
i would also think that intensified is not a bonus since it let a spell go to 5 caster level higher for numerical variable, if you are 1 level higher than the normal max you have 1 more dice

"An intensified spell increases the maximum number of damage dice by 5 levels. "

Not quite what you said. For example Vampiric Touch increases damage dice 1/2 levels.

what i wanted to say is it make the spell go up to 5 more dice max its not a +1 or +2 bonus like weapon focus.

Stephen Ede wrote:

I just came across another feat that is on the borderline.

Metamagic Mastery -

Benefit: Choose one metamagic feat that you already know. The level cost of that metamagic feat is reduced by one (to a minimum of +1). For example, using Metamagic Mastery on the Maximize Spell feat would allow you to cast a maximized fireball as a 5th level spell, instead of the normal 6th level spell slot it would take (+2 spell levels instead of +3 spell levels).

So if I applied that to Echoing Metamagic (+3 levels) and then put Echoing on a Spell Perfection Spell would the level adjustment drop from +3 down to +1 -
3 - (1 x 2)?

i think yes since is a bonus in a way reduce a malus, but i am unsure if it would be applicable but for me i think yes

Stephen Ede wrote:

I just came across another feat that is on the borderline.

Metamagic Mastery -

Benefit: Choose one metamagic feat that you already know. The level cost of that metamagic feat is reduced by one (to a minimum of +1). For example, using Metamagic Mastery on the Maximize Spell feat would allow you to cast a maximized fireball as a 5th level spell, instead of the normal 6th level spell slot it would take (+2 spell levels instead of +3 spell levels).

So if I applied that to Echoing Metamagic (+3 levels) and then put Echoing on a Spell Perfection Spell would the level adjustment drop from +3 down to +1 -
3 - (1 x 2)?

You do know that that is a 3pp feat right?

Texas Snyper wrote:
Stephen Ede wrote:

I just came across another feat that is on the borderline.

Metamagic Mastery -

Benefit: Choose one metamagic feat that you already know. The level cost of that metamagic feat is reduced by one (to a minimum of +1). For example, using Metamagic Mastery on the Maximize Spell feat would allow you to cast a maximized fireball as a 5th level spell, instead of the normal 6th level spell slot it would take (+2 spell levels instead of +3 spell levels).

So if I applied that to Echoing Metamagic (+3 levels) and then put Echoing on a Spell Perfection Spell would the level adjustment drop from +3 down to +1 -
3 - (1 x 2)?

You do know that that is a 3pp feat right?

Doh, No I didn't.


John Murdock wrote:

Stephen Ede wrote:

I just came across another feat that is on the borderline.

Metamagic Mastery -

Benefit: Choose one metamagic feat that you already know. The level cost of that metamagic feat is reduced by one (to a minimum of +1). For example, using Metamagic Mastery on the Maximize Spell feat would allow you to cast a maximized fireball as a 5th level spell, instead of the normal 6th level spell slot it would take (+2 spell levels instead of +3 spell levels).

So if I applied that to Echoing Metamagic (+3 levels) and then put Echoing on a Spell Perfection Spell would the level adjustment drop from +3 down to +1 -
3 - (1 x 2)?

i think yes since is a bonus in a way reduce a malus, but i am unsure if it would be applicable but for me i think yes

I was wondering because the Metamagic Mastery feat modifier applys to the Metamagic feat rather than the spell.

As opposed to the Toppling Feat/ Improved Trip combo where Topple give the spell a trip ability and Improved Trip makes modifies the Trip that the spell is doing rather than than the Topple Feat.

Similar logic as to why it wouldn't work on Echo. But yes, in that borderline area.

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Encouraging Spell increases morale bonuses by 2 instead of 1

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