PC races

Dead Suns

Most assuredly too early to ask, but I plan on running this pretty soon after its release and with the news of no player's guide, I was wondering about player allowed races.

Would it be best to allow Starfinder core races only for this adventure path, or would the Pathfinder core also work well? I mean primarily for roleplaying and plot opportunities in the adventure rather than any balance reason. Based on the descriptions of the books I was thinking of doing Starfinder core plus half elves.

Armenius wrote:

Most assuredly too early to ask, but I plan on running this pretty soon after its release and with the news of no player's guide, I was wondering about player allowed races.

Would it be best to allow Starfinder core races only for this adventure path, or would the Pathfinder core also work well? I mean primarily for roleplaying and plot opportunities in the adventure rather than any balance reason. Based on the descriptions of the books I was thinking of doing Starfinder core plus half elves.

Starfinder is a little different then pathfinder so porting in new races may involve a little bit of conversion to starfinder rules. As for half-elves, rules for all available legacy races (the core races of pathfinder) will be in the Starfinder Core Rulebook.

Yes I know, I was more asking about thoughts on how say, a half-orc or gnome would fit in to the story of Dead Suns. One of the adventures takes place in Castrovel so I would assume elves have a lot of roleplaying opportunities there, but in Pathfinder Adventure Paths sometimes the writers will recommend against something that seems like it would fit. The player's guide usual has some general "These races would fit well/poorly in this adventure path" but given there is no player's guide planned it would be nice to still get those answers.

Paizo Employee Pathfinder Society Lead Developer

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Your Core + half-elves model sounds very fun, Armenius. From I've written for and read of this fun Adventure Path (I can't speak beyond the first several volumes), the campaign seems well suited to accommodate a really generous range of PC species.

i'm considering only allowing core races and First Contact races, although i would be pretty surprised if anyone in my group wanted to play an 'old' race anyway

Some people probably will want to play some old races, but most races seem easy to convert. The only real "difficulties" are in what spells to give races with spell-like abilities if their original spells are missing.

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I will recommend to my players that they play one of the new core races. If someone really feels the need to play a legacy race or something exotic, I'll let them, but I think my group will really want to go full Starfinder. It's so new and shiny.

Scarab Sages

Honestly, none of the new pc races really make me excited to play them. I like the Vesk the most, but they seem like a pastiche of the Jem'hadar and Drax from Guardians of the Galaxy. I've never really like the ratfolk, the Shirren are too alien, lashunta are basically just telepathic humans with antennae, and the kasatha are also too alien.

I'm more interested in playing a gnome or dwarfs than anything new. How are gnomes dealing with the bleaching now? How are Dwarfs coping with the loss of Torag? Maybe it's just because of the tie to the pathfinder setting, not those seem a lot more interesting to me to play than the new races.

Lashunta and Kasatha are not "new" races, they were just not in the spotlight before.

Scarab Sages

Yeah, but they are 'new' as core races, like the ratfolk and androids. I'll likely end up playing them in SFS, but I'm not really into any of the core races.


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'm interested in playing maybe the Shirren or an Android. I'll see how they are written out in the rulebook, otherwise, it'll be plain old human for me.

I know I'm really late to this, but the SRD has the standard fantasy races, and how they fit into starfinder.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Sabirwolf wrote:

I know I'm really late to this, but the SRD has the standard fantasy races, and how they fit into starfinder.


Check out pages 506 to 511 of the Starfinder Core Rulebook.

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