Evil Witch in Way of The Wicked

Advice and Rules Questions

So after rolling and racials and stuff, my NE tiefling gravewalker witch ended up with these stats:

Str 13
Dex 19
Con 13
Int 20
Wis 6
Cha 13

So I have absolutely no idea about how I should role play her, please help. I like the idea that she is moderately nice and just super eccentric about everything but I dont know how to role play the 6.

She could be oblivious or even lacking empathy,being unable to understand people's motivations, being more logical than emotional due to having more int than wis.
She could also be the kind of person who always has to have a plan in advance, and if she hasn't she tends to overthink not being able to come up quickly with ideas because of being overly analytic.

Intelligence is the ability to generate many high quality ideas. Wisdom is the ability to pick exactly the right one.

So you could start picking foolish ideas, fall in love with fads, lose your temper and pick randomly, be gullible, and more. You could be great at short-term planning but bad at long-term schemes.

Since it is an evils campaign, take Kileanna's idea and have your witch have difficulty understanding that strangers are actually people. (Don't do this with your party, mind you, because Player v Player is a bad idea in that campaign.)

Yeah, I am far enough into it. We have signed the contract and we are in thorns dungeon.

Shadow Lodge

You could always play her as gullible, falling for any Evil Theocracy propaganda she hears. Then, using her high INT, she can rationalize the evil you're being coerced into committing. She could be the, "Well, Evil is my destiny," kind of tiefling, or possibly, "You just want to kill me because I'm a tiefling!"

"No, we're trying to kill you because you're making skeletons out of people at this moment!"

Having a NE gravewalker witch in WotW myself (though she's an elf), a similar angle could be about fighting back against witch hunters who unfairly persecute non-evil witches, in spite of the fact that you yourself are evil. If you pick the Hex Channeller archetype as well, you could even try to pretend to be an evil cleric (though that'll take up most of your hexes).

Also, even if your undead entourage gets smashed to bits, don't worry as there will be plenty of opportunities to replace them. If an ally has access to Make Whole, that'll let you get creative later on!

There's one particular enemy near the end of chapter 2 that you should really enjoy getting to reanimate.

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